- Having an atomic number greater than 92. 超铀的原子序数超过92的
- The atomic number appears as a subscript. 把原子系数标在左下角。
- Having an atomic number greater than92. 超铀的原子序数超过92的
- Atom number eight is called oxygen. 原子序数为8的物质叫做氧。
- A type of atom specified by its atomic number, atomic mass, and energy state, such as carbon 14. 核种由它的原子序数、原子量和能量状况具体确定的一种原子,如碳14。
- Semimetallic chemical element, chemical symbol B, atomic number 5. 半金属的化学元素,化学符号B,原子序数5。
- No change in atomic number is possible without a radical change in properties. 性质不发生根本的改变,原子序数的改变是不可能的。
- "Boron: Semimetallic chemical element, chemical symbol B, atomic number 5. 硼:半金属的化学元素,化学符号B,原子序数5。
- The filter is constructed as a sandwich from three materials of different atomic number. 屏蔽物由不同原子序数的三种物质的夹层组成。
- The rare-earth elements with atomic numbers 57 through 71. 原子量为从57到71的稀土元素。
- The electron range increases with decreasing atomic number and increasing incident beam energy E0. 电子射程随着原子序数的减少和入射束能量E0的增加而增加。
- A type of atom specified by its atomic number,atomic mass,and energy state,such as carbon14. 核种由它的原子序数、原子量和能量状况具体确定的一种原子,如碳14
- History of each element, atomic number, symbol, electron configuration, isotopes, its properties and its cost. 提供每个元素的基本信息、同位素、价值和历史。
- They have the same atomic number and hence nearly identical chemical behaviour but different atomic masses. 它们有相同的原子序数,因此化学行为几乎完全一样,但原子量不同。
- A type of atom specified by its atomic number, atomic mass, and energy state, such as carbon14. 核种由它的原子序数、原子量和能量状况具体确定的一种原子,如碳14。
- British physicist who determined that the atomic number of an element can be deduced from the element's x-ray spectrum. 莫斯利,亨利·格温·杰弗里斯1887-1915英国物理学家,提出一种元素的原子序数能够从这种元素的x光射线光谱中推断出来
- Lead (atomic number 82) and gold (atomic number 79) are defined as elements by the number of protons they possess. 铅(原子数82)和金(原子数79)都是根据所拥有的质子数定义的“元素”。
- "Potassium: Chemical element, one of the alkali metals, chemical symbol K, atomic number 19. 钾:一种碱金属化学元素,化学符号k,原子序数19。
- The atomic number represents the number of nuclear protons or, in the undisturbed state, the number of extranuclear electrons. 原子序数表示原子核内质子的数目,也是在未被干扰的状态下核外的电子数。
- A sequence of elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number and forming one of the horizontal rows in the periodic table. 元素周期一系列元素按原子序数升序排列形成的周期表中的一个横排