- At sight of the police officers they ran off. 一看见那些警官,他们便逃跑了。
- The dog's hair bristled up at sight of the stranger. 狗一看到陌生人毛就竖了起来。
- The boy ran away at sight of his teacher. 那男孩一见到他的老师就逃之夭夭。
- His stomach heaved at sight of the mess. 他一见这伙食就作呕。
- The virgins at sight of him fled in all directions. 少女们看到他都四处奔逃。
- At sight of the policeman the man ran off. 那个人一看见警察就跑掉了。
- The phantasmagoria of his brain vanished at sight of her. 一见到她他脑海里的种种幻影便全没有了。
- He fell into rank at sight of the company commander. 见到连长,他立即入列。
- Miranda was smitten at sight of the ring and wished to have it. 米兰达一见这戒指就爱上了,满心想要。
- The driver braked suddenly at sight of the boy crossing the street. 司机一看见那个横穿街道的小男孩就突然刹车。
- They hurried forward at sight of Baoyu and stood at respectful attention. "一见了宝玉;赶来都一齐垂手站住.;"
- She was sick at the sight of the blood. 她一见到血就感到恶心。
- Durberville's bad temper cleared up at sight of hers; and he laughed heartily. 她发起脾气来,德伯倒消了气,开心大笑起来。
- At sight of the rainbow, the children were more glad than the parents. 看见彩虹, 孩子们比大人更高兴。
- She recoiled at the sight of the snake. 她一见到蛇就往后缩。
- She was confounded at the sight of the accident. 她一看到那事件就感到惊惶失措。
- Julia paled at the sight of the terrible accident. 朱莉娅看见惨祸时吓得脸色发白。
- The sight of her grief tore at his heart. 看到她悲伤的样子,他的心都要碎了。
- She repressed a smile at sight of the red line that marked the chafe of the collar against the bronzed neck. 她看到他晒成青铜色的脖子被浆硬的领子磨出的红印时差点笑了出来。
- The cat bristled at the sight of the large dog. 一见到那只大狗,猫身上的毛都竖起来了