- The motorcycle raced along the street at lightning speed. 摩托车飞快地从街上驶过。
- That racing boat crossed the finish line at lightning speed. 那艘赛厗像闪电一样冲过了终点线。
- Though the fortnight passed away at lightning speed,the memory of it will last forever. 两周的时光很快就过去了,但给我留下美好的怀念。
- But Hauptli says, “They’re still moving at lightning speed by legislative standards. 但是Hauptli说,相对于立法标准速度来说,这已经是光速了。
- You can feel the speed of development in the air. China is a very exciting place and my life moves at lightning speed with all the amazing experiences I'm having. 我随时都可以感到发展的速度。中国是一个令人兴奋的地方,我现在以一些令人惊讶的经历使得我在中国的生活以闪电般的速度向前。
- At this very moment the eagle will lose no time in stretching out his right claw over the wolf's forehead between the two ears and accurately clip his talons into its eyes at lightning speed. 那正好,他的右边的利爪就可以不失时机地伸过去,插过狼的两耳之间,掠过它的额顶,闪电般地、准确地直抠住它那对眼睛!
- The motorcycle raced along the street at lightning speed 摩托车飞快地从街上驶过。
- He drove the car with lightning speed. 他以闪电般的速度开车。
- 1.very fast; at a gallop; at lightning speed; like a shot; like fury; on the wings of the wind; fleetingly; 2.extremely sharp; razor-sharp 飞快
- Apocryphal tales gallop across the country with lightning speed. 不真实的谣言以闪电般的速度在这个国家飞速传播。
- They raided the enemy positions with lightning speed. 他们以闪电般的速度袭击了敌军阵地。
- Turning to Frank Harris, said the breakthrough, "he Have lightning speed, so we need his defense at both ends to help the team. 弗兰克在谈及哈里斯的突破时说,“他拥有闪电般的速度,所以我们需要他在攻防两端去帮助球队。”
- This design for the Shanghai Rail Pavilion boldly represents the lightning speed at which rail transportation has been realized in China. 上海世博会铁道馆的设计大胆展现了中国轨道交通闪电般的实现速度。
- Computers can do simple computations with lightning speed and perfect accuracy. 计算机能快速精确地进行简单计算。
- He noticed that Ye was grabbing his expired names with lightning speed. 他注意,叶云以闪电般速度抢注了他拥有的到期域名。
- To surprise their prey, crocodiles must strike with lightning speed. 为了突袭猎物;鳄鱼必须以闪电般的速度出击.
- at lightning speed adj. 闪电似地(风弛电掣地;极快地;风驰电掣地)
- Our lightning speed knocked the enemy completely off balance and struck fear into its heart. 我军行动神速, 致使敌军措手不及, 狼狈周章。
- Press the button in lightning speed! Come and play this addictive little game to test your reaction time! 以最快速度按制,追击闪电,快来考验您的反应吧!
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。