- CAS Nanjing Astronomic Instrument Co., Ltd. 南京中科天文仪器有限公司。
- These mixtures of astronomical instruments and time-measuring devices cannot be seen as independent time measurers. 这类计时器尚不能算是独立的计时器,还是天文仪器与计时仪器的混合体。
- China is well known for its ingenuity in designing astronomical instruments since ancient times. 自古以来,中国以精湛设计的天文仪器见称。
- Autocontrol Department Of Nanjing Astronomical instruments Research Center. Academy OF Sciences. 中科院南京中科天文仪器有限公司自控部。
- An ancient astronomical instrument 璇玑玉衡
- astronomical instrument and method 天文仪器和方法
- historical astronomical instrument 古天文化器
- At the beginning of the 17th century, European Jesuit missionaries began introducing European astronomy and astronomical instruments into China. 17世纪初,传教士开始将欧洲天文学和天文仪器传入中国。
- The stage displayed a large bronze astronomical instruments, the audience has Ziwei Palace, the Lou Hu, Gui churches, and other ancillary buildings. 台上陈列着大型铜铸的天文仪器,台下有紫薇殿、漏壶房、晷教堂等附属建筑群。
- In 1763 a Scotch scientist, James Watt, then employed in making astronomical instruments for the University of Glasgow, was given a model of one of Newcomen's engines to repair. 1763年,苏格兰的科学家詹姆斯 - 瓦特受雇为格拉斯哥大学制作天文仪器。 人们交给他一部纽柯曼引擎的模型,让他修理。
- In the case of the debate over the sphericity of the earth, astronomical instruments and calculating tools partially bridged the cultural incommensurability. 在地圆说传入的个案中,仪器和计算方法扮演著桥梁的角色,使得中国的历算家在实际测算的过程中,理解西方地圆说在现象界的呈现和运用。
- The 1930's were an exciting time of change and discovery in the world, and exhilarating time of productivity for Carl Zeiss Jena Astronomical Instruments section. 二十世纪三十年代是世界上令人兴奋的变革和发现的时代,蔡司天文仪器分部生产的黄金时代。
- It is a display of China's ancient astronomical instruments and ancient astronomy Natural Science Museum site feature category, officially opened in 1956. 它是一座展示我国古代天文仪器以及古代天文学的自然科学类专题遗址博物馆,1956年正式开放。
- The astronomical instruments of the Ming dynasty such as celestial globe, plane sundial, rotary stardial and others have been transfered to the Nanjing Purple Observatory and the Nanjing Museum. 这里原有的明代天文仪器如浑仪.;简仪
- ScienceNet's physics and astronomy section contains a database of approximately 2000 questions in 50 sections ranging from AC circuits and astronomical instruments to deep space objects and kinetics. 本网站提供了一个有关物理学和天文学的数据库,包括约2000个问题,分为50个主题,范围从交流电路和天文学工具到外层空间和动力学,按字母顺序排列。
- The stethoscope is a medical instrument. 听诊器是一种医疗器械。
- This instrument monitors the patient's heartbeats. 这台仪器监听病人的心跳。
- Nanjing Astronomical Instruments Research Center 南京天文仪器研制中心
- He was too poor to buy an astronomical telescope. 他太穷了,买不起天文望远镜。
- The king signed the instrument of abdication. 国王签署了逊位的文告。