- The astronaut accepted danger was part of the job. 太空人承认他们的工作中包含著危险。
- My son's dream is to be an astronaut. 我儿子的理想是当宇航员。
- Do you know how an astronaut flies in a spacecraft? 你知道太空人是怎样乘太空船飞行的吗?
- In 1957 the Soviets put an astronaut into space. 一九五七年苏联人把一个太空人送进太空。
- A rocket blasted a spaceman into space. 一枚火箭把一名宇航员送入太空。
- The astronaut accepts danger as being part of the job. 太空人承认他们的工作中包含著危险。
- Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to walk on the moon. 尼尔。阿姆斯壮是第一位在月球漫步的太空人。
- Astronaut William McArthur Jr. and cosmonaut Valery Tokarev, who arrived Oct. 3 for a six-month stay, also prepared for a spacewalk next week. 大约有来自10个国家的100人到访过国际空间站,其中有29人曾在这里生活,每次生活时间通常为6个月。
- The spaceman will put a flag of Chinaon the moon. 这个宇航员将要把一面中国国旗插在月球上。
- A:Yuti Gagarin,a Russian cosmonaut,did it. 俄罗斯宇航员尤利-加加林.
- Yuti Gagarin,a Russian cosmonaut,did it. 俄罗斯宇航员尤利-加加林.
- Iris,I want to become a spaceman. “老师,我很想成为宇航员。”
- He spent five years training to become a spaceman. 在成为一名太空人前,他花了五年时间来训练。
- The rocket, carrying a Russian cosmonaut and a Belgian astronaut, launched on Wednesday and is expected to reach the space station on Friday. 该火箭载着一名俄罗斯宇航员和一名比利时宇航员于星期三发射升空,预计周五与空间站对接。
- The valiant Spaceman Spiff has been captured! 年轻人;我们会看到校长是怎么教育你的.
- I know a student whose father is a spaceman. 我认识一个同学.;他爸爸是宇航员
- The astronaut, who is sharing the space station with Russian cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov, does not expect to learn the outcome of the election until he wakes up Wednesday morning. 焦立中和俄罗斯宇航员萨礼赞·沙利波夫共享空间站,他并没有在星期三早上醒来之前期望得知大选结果。
- A spaceman came travelling on his ship from afar... 两面都已埋到层层叠叠,宛然阔人家里祝寿时的馒头。
- He'll be an astronaut by the time he is thirty. 在他三十岁的时候他将成为一名宇航员。
- The rocket boosts the astronaut into space. 这火箭能把宇航员送入太空。