- The most important programs are in the read only memory. 最重要的程序都在只读存储器中。
- The most important programs is in the read only memory. 最重要的程序都在只读存储器中。
- ROM:Read only memory; internal storage device in which information is permanent. 只读存储器:只读存储器;内部存储设备,信息是永久存在的。
- A panel for accommodating a random access memory system along with the read only memory and processor needed for a computer system. 用来放置计算机系统所需的随机存取存储器系统以及只读存储器和处理机的一种面板。
- The Read Only Memory (rom. or Programmable Read Only Memory (Prom. is used to store the programs permanently. 只读存储器(ROM)或可编程只读存储器(PROM)用来存放永久性程序。
- The Read Only Memory (ROM) or Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) is used to store the programs permanently. 只读存储器(ROM)或可编程只读存储器(prom)用来存放永久性程序。
- ROM: Read only memory; internal storage device in which information is permanent. 只读存储器:只读存储器;内部存储设备,信息是永久存在的。
- A type of read only memory that can is erased, thereby returning the device to a blank state. 一种只读存储器,其中的内容可以擦除,使存储器成为空白状态。
- Read Only Memory consists of one or more chips, help a computer prepare for processing tasks. 只读存储器由一个或者多个芯片组成,帮助计算机做好处理任务前的准备。
- Programmable read only memory (PROM): A solid state computer memory for storing programs which cannot be altered by the user. 程式贮记器:电脑的固态元件贮记器,它贮存的程式,用者不能更改。
- EPROM : Erasable programmable read only memory: switch pattern in circuit can be erased by exposure to ultraviolet light. 可擦可编程只读存储器:可擦可编程只读存储器:暴露于紫外线光就可以擦除电路控制方式。
- EPROM :Erasable programmable read only memory: switch pattern in circuit can be erased by exposure to ultraviolet light. 可擦可编程只读存储器:可擦可编程只读存储器:暴露于紫外线光就可以擦除电路控制方式。
- Since the videodisk was designed as Read Only Memory (ROM), many different write-once optical storage systems have come out; know as the Write Once Read Many (WORM) disk. 由于视频盘被设计成是只读存储器,许多不同种类的只写一次的光学存储系统应运而生,被称为写一次读多次(WORM)盘。
- Read only memory (ROM): Computer memory supplied as a chip inside the computer and which cannot be altered. ROM typically contaims the basic system programs resident in the computer. 唯读贮记器:用者不能更改的电脑贮记元件,它以晶片形式装置于电脑内。典型的唯读贮记器载有电脑的基本系统程式。
- Dos: Acronym for Disk Operating System.It is a program,sometimes supplied by the computer manufacturer in read only memory (ROM),that controls the disk drive and the passing of signals and data to and from the computer. Dos:英文是“磁碟操作系统”的字首字。它是一个程式。有时,电脑制造商以唯读贮记方式附在机上。这个程 式控制磁碟机和电脑间的信号来往。
- associative read only memories. aroms 相联只读存储器
- programmable read only memory(PROM) 可编程只读存储器
- FMD ROM Fluorescent Material Read Only Memory 荧光质只读存储器
- erasable programmable read only memory 可擦可编程序只读存储器
- Electronically erasable read only memory 电子只读存储器