- He was an arrogant and cocksure materialist. 他是一个狂妄的自信满满的唯物论者。
- Pretentiously arrogant and overbearing. 狂妄地傲慢和专横
- In a pretentiously arrogant and overbearing manner. 不可一世的以狂妄地傲慢和专横的态度的
- She was selfish, arrogant and often callous. 她自私傲慢, 而且往往冷酷无情。
- We should never become arrogant and cocky. 我们永远不能骄傲, 不能翘尾巴。
- She is very arrogant and is always unapproachable. 她那个人非常高傲,总是拒人千里。
- He really laid into her,saying she was arrogant and unfeeling. 他痛斥她,说她傲慢又无情。
- Chen's action was an obvious and wilful provocation and a high-stake gamble. 陈水扁此举是明显的蓄意挑衅,也是一场豪赌。
- He really laid into her, saying she was arrogant and unfeeling. 他痛斥她; 说她傲慢又无情.
- Constellation temperament:dignified, calm, arrogant and stability! 星座气质:威严,冷静,孤傲,稳定
- Look down upon those arrogant and selfish and wiseacre men. 狠狠的鄙视自以为是的''帅''男.
- Never be arrogant and impetuous when life is smooth. 身处顺境一定不要骄躁。
- Objective To compare power of the t-test and Wil coxon Rank-Sum test. 目的比较t检验与秩和检验检验完全随机设计两组资料的功效。
- He was knowledgeable but arrogant and lived a secluded life in the countryside. 他博学多识,性情孤傲,隐居乡里,
- None of us ought to become arrogant and conceited because of our contributions. 我们不应该为自己的贡献居功自傲。
- He sank his arrogance and apologized. 他忍气吞声做了道歉
- It is impolite to be arrogant and brag about oneself or ones inner circle. 对自己或者自己的圈内人表达的自大或者自夸都是不礼貌的。
- Reader, did you never pray for a discharge from hard service or suffering with a petulant and wilful eagerness? 你是否急躁、强烈、急切地祈求免除辛劳的服事或受苦?
- Thus doth Allah, seal up every heart - of arrogant and obstinate Transgressors. 真主这样封闭一切自大的高傲者的心。
- Some individual Singaporean are shallow, arrogant and self-righteous. 不只才疏学浅,你们中有些人还自以为是,傲慢无知。