- A suit of armour fell over with a loud crash. 胄甲啪的一声重重地摔在了地上。
- The battalion's outposts were called in. 该营的前哨部队已被召回。
- This battalion is composed of 800 soldiers. 这个营是由八百个人组成的。
- He girded himself with armour for the battle. 他穿好铠甲准备战斗。
- The second battalion is/are going abroad. 第二营即将开赴国外。
- heavy armoured battalion 重坦克营
- Armour coming up in support was tied down by air strikes. 前来增援的装甲部队受到空袭的牵制。
- His body was protected by armour fore and aft. 他的身体前前後後都有盔甲保护。
- We have less infantry and armour than the enemy. 我们的步兵和装甲兵均比敌军的少。
- The battalion commander lined his men along the railway. 营长命令士兵们沿铁轨排开。
- His body was encased in shining armour. 他全身披着明幌幌的甲胄。
- In barracks all the officers of a battalion mess together. 在营房里,全营军官都在一起吃饭。
- The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square. 全营以连为单位在军营广场上列队。
- We must bring our militia battalion up to strength. 我们必须充实民兵营,使之达到规定人数。
- Battalion headquarters has approved the retreat. 军队总部已同意撤退。
- The airfield is ringed with armoured cars. 机场被装甲车包围了。
- Battalion person includes107 Hong Kong students and125 continent students. 营员包括107名香港学生和125名大陆学生。
- The arrow glanced off his armour. 箭擦过他的甲胃。
- The battalion formed up by companies. 全营按连站好。
- Battalion political instructors? 合格的营教导员有多少?