- argument一词指人与人之间用激烈言语表达的分歧 An argument is a strong verbal disagreement between people
- 分赋给常数、变量、参数或符号的一个量值。参阅argument。 A quantity assigned to a constant, a variable, a parameter or a symbol.
- Argument列包含书签标签,用于在表或聚集索引内查找行。 The Argument column contains the bookmark label used to look up the row in the table or clustered index.
- Argument列还包含要查找的行所在的表或聚集索引的名称。 The Argument column also contains the name of the table or clustered index in which the row is looked up.
- HASH:()谓词以及一个用于创建哈希值的列的列表出现在Argument列内。 A HASH:() predicate with a list of columns used to create a hash value appears in the Argument column.
- 在指定type属性时,需要此属性,而且不能指定compare和argument属性。 When the type attribute is specified, this attribute is required and the compare and argument attributes cannot be specified.
- Argument强调各方用事实和理由来支持自己的论点并试图说服对方的进展 Argument stresses the advancement by each side of facts and reasons buttressing its contention and intended to persuade the other side
- Filter运算符扫描输入,仅返回那些符合Argument列中的筛选表达式(谓词)的行。 The Filter operator scans the input, returning only those rows that satisfy the filter expression (predicate) that appears in the Argument column.
- 格式字符串,带有与argument值对应的占位符,类似于C语言的sprintf函数所支持的格式字符串。 Is a format character string with placeholders for argument values, similar to that supported by the C-language sprintf function.
- 如果存在残留谓词(由Argument列中的RESIDUAL:()标识),则还须满足此残留谓词,只有这样行才能被视为是匹配项。 If a residual predicate is present (identified by RESIDUAL:() in the Argument column), that predicate must also be satisfied for rows to be considered a match.
- 与第一个调用中的原因相同,编译器将消除第三个重载,因为它可以用参数(Argument)类型的最少扩大量调用第二个重载。 It eliminates the third overload for the same reason as in the first call, because it can call the second overload with less widening of the argument types.
- 在第一个调用中,编译器将消除第一个重载,因为第一个参数(Argument)的类型(Short)将收缩为相应参数(Parameter)的类型(Byte)。 In the first call, the compiler eliminates the first overload because the type of the first argument (Short) narrows to the type of the corresponding parameter (Byte).
- 接着,编译器消除第三个重载,因为第二个重载中的每个参数(Argument)类型(Short和Single)都将扩大为第三个重载中的相应类型(Integer和Single)。 It then eliminates the third overload because each argument type in the second overload (Short and Single) widens to the corresponding type in the third overload (Integer and Single).