- BFO逐级细分Use Case的方法 An Approach of Step by Step Dividing Use Case Based on BFO
- Label控件还可用于显示有关应用程序状态的运行时信息。 Label controls can be also used to display run time information on the status of an application.
- 对包含游标的查询使用USE PLAN查询提示 Using the USE PLAN Query Hint on Queries with Cursors
- 向页添加Label控件 To add a Label control to the page
- 返回一条消息,指示已成功完成USE语句,并且 Then returned a message to indicate that the USE statement completed successfully and
- 对USE master语句不会检查SHOWPLAN权限。 No SHOWPLAN permission is checked on the USE master statement.
- 从工具箱中的“标准”组中,将TextBox、Button和Label控件拖到页上。 From the Standard group in the Toolbox, drag a TextBox, Button, and Label control onto the page.
- 若要解决此问题,请执行USE语句打开数据库。 To resolve this, execute a USE statement to open the database.
- 欢迎来到ip-label新闻站。 Welcome in the ip-label press room.
- 该属性大体上与rdfs:label类似,但用于标识可检索的图像,而非RDF纯文本。 This property is roughly analagous to rdfs: label, but for labelling resources with images that have retrievable representations, rather than RDF literals.
- 例如,可将Label控件添加到窗体,以便在处理一列文件时显示每个文件的状态。 For example, you can add a Label control to a form to display the status of each file as a list of files is processed.
- 说明如何通过USE PLAN查询提示对查询实现强制计划。 Explains how to implement plan forcing for a query using the USE PLAN query hint.
- 虽然使用Label控件可以对所显示的文本应用样式,但使用Localize控件则不行。 Although the Label control allows you to apply a style to the displayed text, the Localize control does not.
- WSDL允许控制参数和返回值的格式设置的use属性使用两个值 WSDL allows two values for the use attribute that controls parameter, and return value, formatting
- vitreous enamal label (标签) 搪瓷釉商标
- USE PLAN可以用于强制查询优化器为查询使用指定的查询计划。 USE PLAN can be used to force the query optimizer to use a specified query plan for a query.
- ip-label:什么是IP应用的感知质量? Ip-label, what is the perceived quality of your IP applications?
- 如果数据库用户在数据库上没有CONNECT权限,则USE语句将失败。 If the database user does not have CONNECT permission on the database, the USE statement will fail.
- 计算了月供额后,代码切换到第二个Form控件,并在相应的“Label”控件中显示结果。 After calculating the monthly amount, the code switches to the second Form control and displays the results in the respective Label controls.