- 港澳 hongkong-macau
- apple文件交换 Apple file exchange
- apple桌面型总线 Apple Desktop Bus
- 根据安装之后的操作说明,设置和连接 WinAIP Interface Box。 Set up and connect your WinAIP Interface Box according to the instructions that follow.
- 澳新军团 ANZAC
- apple 一词以字母 a 开头。 'Apple' begins with (an) A/'A'.
- Box trading-benefit
- 中澳科技合作项目 Science and Technology Cooperation Project of China and Australia
- S-Box S-Box
- 英语的 apple 和德语的 apfel 是同源词(或同根词)。 English apple and German apfel are cognate words.
- 珠澳 Zhuhai and Macao
- F-box F-box
- 澳地利 Austria
- 大多数Apple键盘的右上角有一个弹出键。 Most Apple keyboards have an Eject key at the top-right corner of the keyboard.
- 他们自己去苏澳。 They went to Suao by themselves.
- 运行Apple Hardware Test(位于电脑随付的光盘上)。 Run Apple Hardware Test (included on a disc that came with your computer).
- Box基因 Bax gene
- 澳带烩鱼肚 Braised Fish Maw with Scallops
- Apple使用行业标准加密来保护您的个人信息的机密。 Apple uses industry-standard encryption to protect the confidentiality of your personal information.