- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- She read me a few extracts from her own new novel. 她把她自己的新小说念了几段给我听。
- He found contentment in reading novels. 他从看小说当中得到满足。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- The novel originally came from a true love affair. 这本小说原先是从一个真实的爱情故事发展而来的。
- aphrodisiac novels 色情小说
- I'm beginning to find her novels rather passe. 我逐渐觉得她的小说格调陈旧。
- The critics looked down their noses at the novel. 这些评论家们都轻视这部小说。
- His latest effort is a poor excuse for a novel. 他最近的作品只是一部劣质的小说。
- His mother bought him a set of novels of Dickens. 他母亲给他买了一套狄更斯的小说。
- He wove four plots together into a novel. 他把四条情节编成一部小说。
- He earned his bread by writing novels. 他靠写小说维生。
- I like reading novels in my spare time. 我喜欢闲暇时读小说。
- She writes novels with economical style. 她以简练的风格写小说。
- This novel appeared to have been huddled together. 这部小说看来是草草写成的。
- His last novel created a furore among the critics. 他的最近一部小说在评论家中引起了轰动。
- The literary genre represented by novels. 以小说表出现的文学类型
- The characters in this novel are rather overdrawn. 这本小说中的人物描写得有些夸张。
- Her jealousy is the mainspring of the novel's plot. 这部小说情节中贯穿了她的忌妒之心。
- A lot of people say it's an aphrodisiac. 男被访者许多人说它是春药。