- aphonia intermittens 间歇性失声(症)
- "Reportedly, this was bitterly cold Antony aphonia. 据说,这番话气得梁先生当场痛哭失声。
- Aphonia, the patient maintains not language, commonly used gesticulation or book write the opinion that expresses his. 失音,患者保持不语,常用手势或书写表达自己的意见。
- Not long ago, he even experienced aphonia (失声).So far, there is still something wrong with his throat. 目前他的喉咙还没完全恢复,要坚持配合医生用药才能慢慢恢复。
- Wait to disease of aphonia, deaf, excitement of stimulation of usable also report, report is treated. 对失音、耳聋症等,也可用电刺激、电兴奋治疗。
- While the thenar main points Governance disease cough, hemoptysis, sore throat, aphonia, and fever. 而鱼际穴主治疾病有咳嗽、咳血、咽喉肿痛、失音和发热。
- OBJECTIVE To investigate the prophylactic effect of interferon and ribavirin intermitten therapy and acyclovir everyday therapy on herpes genialis recurrence. 目的比较干扰素+病毒唑局封间歇疗法和阿昔洛韦每日疗法对生殖器疱疹复发的作用。
- Among 10 self-perceived voice health problems, teachers all have the high risk ratio, and even aphonia is 13.47.It must be cared. 六、自觉嗓者健康十个徵状上,教师组有显著较对照组高的风险性,其中经常失声的相对风险性为13.;47,值得重视。
- Later doctors classified the diseases according to information of the throat,tonsillitis,acute throat trouble,aphonia due to throat disease,etc. 后世医家根据病证特点分别独立为喉痹、乳蛾、喉风、喉喑等疾病。
- An aphonia of short old woman person says: "Kesasi is gotten in us, build so a building, need not spend so much money, also need not so long. 一位矮小的老妇人失声说:“在我们得克萨斯,建造这么一座楼房,不用花这么多钱,也不用这么长时间。”
- The author discuss various kinds of treatment about aphonia from Acupuncture and moxibustion, Manipulation to seek more facilitate and significant treatment measre. 从针灸推拿两方面对目前治疗方法予以论述,探求临床更为便捷有效的治疗措施。
- Obective:To explore the effect of continuous renal replacement therapy( CRRT) and intermitten hemodialysis (IHD) in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) with acute renal failure (ARF). 目的:比较连续性肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)与间歇性血液透析(IHD)治疗伴有急性肾功能衰竭(ARF)的多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)患者的疗效。
- Miss Hu has not begun to believe that such conversation on the afternoon of clothing, drink tub, a kitchen to the balcony Drying ready, the scene let her aphonia scream off the pot soon. 胡小姐开始还不太相信,等当天下午洗完衣服,端着盆子、经过厨房到阳台准备晾晒时,那一幕让她失声尖叫脱手摔下了盆子。
- This paragraph of time of collective aphonia is dropped in wind, ever personage of know the inside story discloses, investor is already avowed the case that PPG project is a failure. 在风投集体失声的这段时间,曾有知情人士透露,投资者已经自认PPG项目是个失败的案例。不过,尽量减少投资失败造成的声誉损失,也是投资业内的“潜规则”。
- Aphonia can be seen frequently.Traditional Chinese medicine, especially Acupuncture and moxibustion, Manipulation have shown their unique characters in treating aphonia in recent years. 摘要失音在临床较为常见,近年来,中医,特别是针灸推拿治疗其病特色鲜明,疗效肯定。
- pulsus respiratione intermittens 呼吸性间歇脉
- dysbasia intermittens angiosclerotica [医] 间歇性血管硬化性步行困难, 间歇性跛行
- dysbasia neurasthenica intermittens [医] 间歇性神经衰弱性步行困难
- dyscinesia intermittens angiosclerotica [医] 间歇性血管硬化性运动障碍, 德特曼氏综合征
- dyspragia intermittens angiosclerotica intestinalis [医] 间歇性血管硬化性肠痉挛痛