- The Shangzhuang apatite deposit is a low-grade apatite deposit associated with Fe,vermiculitizated biotite and REE. 上庄磷矿为一大型低品位磷灰石矿床,伴生有益组分有铁、蛭石化黑云母及稀土元素。
- The aim of the study was to investigate the radiological characteristics and improve accurate diagnosis of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease(CPPD-CDD). 探讨二羟基焦磷酸钙晶体沉积症(CPPD-CDD)的影像学特征,提高诊断准确率。
- Oer the last 30 years, marked differences in etiology and pathogenesis between type II membranoproliferatie glomerulonephritis and dense deposit disease hae become apparent. 纵观过去30多年时间;II型膜增生性肾小球肾炎与致密物沉积病两者的病因学和发病机理已经表露出了显著差别.
- Cast nephropathy was the most frequent pathologic type in LWP group,while light chain deposition disease and glomerular amyloidosis were the most common pathologic type in NP group. 肾组织病理上,LWP组以管型肾病最常见,而NP组主要表现为轻链沉积病和肾淀粉样变性。
- hydroxylapatite deposition disease 羟磷酸灰石沉积病
- calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease 焦磷酸钙沉积病
- His disease was complicated by pneumonia. 他的病因肺炎并发症而变得更严重。
- Ultrastructural observation of dense deposit disease 电子致密物沉积病的超微结构观察
- Clinicopathologic characteristics of dense deposit disease 电子致密物沉积病的临床及病理研究
- What can we do to prevent the disease spreading? 我们能做什么来防止这种疾病蔓延呢?
- I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。
- The accused has made a deposition. 被告已宣誓作证。
- John put up a real fight to overcome the disease. 约翰为征服疾病,进行了不屈的斗争。
- The poor man has a serious disease of the liver. 这个可怜的人患有严重的肝病。
- He was found in incurable disease. 他被查出得了不治之症。
- Have the children been in contact with disease? 孩子们同这种疾病有过接触吗?
- Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground. 有些昆虫把卵产在地上。
- Is there a link between smoking and lung disease? 吸烟与肺部疾病之间有关系吗?
- You may deposit your valuables in the hotel safe. 您可以将您的贵重物品放在旅馆的保险柜里。
- The disease is still in its primary stage. 这疾病仍然在初发阶段。