- He enjoyed a great reputation as an antiquarian. 他是一个享有盛名的古玩收藏家。
- The library is rich in historical and antiquarian works. 这个图书馆拥有大量的历史籍和古书。
- The antiquarian refers the vase to the second century. 古董收藏家认为这花瓶是公元2世纪的文物。
- The antiquarian tried to palm the painting off as a real Renoir. 古董商试图用那幅画冒充雷诺阿的原作出售。
- The library is rich in historical books and antiquarian works. 这家图书馆拥有大量历史和古籍。
- An antiquarian was looking for ancient objects in Egypt. 一位古物收藏者在埃及寻觅古董。
- Along with that, it must be added, went a strong pedantic and antiquarian strain. 必须指出一股强烈的学究尚古风气也随之产生了。
- Lovel had many attractive qualities, but he won our Antiquary's heart by being on most occasions an excellent listener. 洛弗尔有许多惹人喜爱的品质,但是他之所以博得我们“古董家”的欢心,乃是为因每当我们的古董家讲话的时候他几乎总耐心倾听。
- Lovel had many attractive qualities,but he won our antiquary's heart by being on most occasions an excellent listener. 洛弗尔有许多惹人喜爱的品质,但是他之所以博得我们“古董家”的欢心,乃是为因每当我们的古董家讲话的时候他几乎总耐心倾听。
- I am afraid the myth was invented in 1754 by the English antiquary William Stukeley. 我恐怕这个神话是由英国古董商威廉-斯图克利在1754年发明的。
- I am Parson Tringham, the antiquary, of Stagfoot Lane, and I amcompiling the new local history. 我是鹿脚路的考古学家特林汉姆牧师,我正在编写新的地方志。
- We repeat it, these hybrid constructions are not the least interesting for the artist, for the antiquarian, for the historian. 我们再说一遍,艺术家、考古学家和历史学家,对这种混合建筑物仍不无兴趣。
- Stare Decisis appeared at first to be something of an antiquarian function, and this was easy enough to accept. 遵循先例初看起来有点像考古,这是很容易被接受的。
- I have my own small collection of antiquarian books and first editions my self". 我也收集了不少古书和初版书。”
- Several days later, Fan Weiqing , a famous antiquary known in Beijing, was introduced to Wang Yirong. He brought 12 slices of"dragon bone" this time. 不多时日,名扬京华的古董商范维卿被引见到王府,这次他带来了十二片“龙骨”。
- I have my own small collection of 8)antiquarian books and first editions my self". 我也收集了不少古书和初版书。”
- Only part of the total collection, e.g. historical city maps and antiquarian maps in general, is already online. 但是只有一部分是在线式的,如历史城市地图和考古地图。
- Antiquarian map societies are prospering, and celestial maps are now viewed as a specialty of map collecting. 越来越多的人多着迷于空间科学并且可能正在成为业余天文学家。
- Diarmuid: Second-hand and antiquarian books, and sheet music;they have something for everyone. 他们还有旧书和古物古玩类的书刊和各种乐谱。