- They are pressing hard for a renewal of talks. 他们不断在要求恢复会谈。
- Tell me where you feel painful as I press hard. 告诉我,我重压时您哪里感到痛。
- They press hard enough against the lid of the pan to lift it up. 它们的压力之大足以把锅盖顶起。
- Press hard on the two surfaces,to make them stick together. 用力挤压这两面,使它们紧紧粘在一起。
- Press hard on the two surfaces, to make them stick together. 用力挤压这两面,使它们紧紧粘在一起。
- He pressed hard on the brake but nothing happened. 他使劲往下踩刹车, 但没有发生作用。
- If you press hard on the paper, you are probably a very emotional person. 如果你力度较重,你可能是个感情用事的人。
- Chueh-hui couldn't bear to listen to it any longer. He covered his ears with his hands, pressing hard to bloc out every bit of sound. 觉慧在隔壁不能够再听下去,他用双手紧紧地蒙住耳朵。
- In August,when the major detachment of the Red Army had gone to southern Hunan and the White forces were pressing hard on the border area,we held an emergency meeting at Yunghsin. 八月红军大队往湘南,白色势力高压边界,我们曾在永新开过一次紧急会议。
- When completing a FedEx Expanded Service International Air Waybill please type or print clearly, pressing hard with a ball-point pen and complete in English. 请以英文打字或正楷字体清楚填写FedEx新增国际服务空运提单,使用原子笔时请用力好让笔划清晰可辨。
- In August, when the major detachment of the Red Army had gone to southern Hunan and the White forces were pressing hard on the border area, we held an emergency meeting at Yunghsin. 八月红军大队往湘南,白色势力高压边界,我们曾在永新开过一次紧急会议。
- Blot the spot right away with plain white paper towels; printed patterns can bleed color into the carpet. Press hard to soak up as much as possible. 立即用白色吸墨纸巾将污渍吸干;印花花纹可能会将有颜色的污渍渗入到地毯中。所以你必须尽可能地吸干。
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议。
- The game was a little bland in the first half, while in the second we managed to make the difference, pressing harder and denying Verona space. 上半时很沉闷,下半时尤文有所改观,占据了主动。我们给对手制造了更大的困难,压缩他们发挥的空间。
- When once I looked down I saw that my legs, also spread out and pressed hard against the walls, were shaking violently. 有一次我往下一瞧,发现也是由于叉开使劲撑着石壁的缘故,我的双腿在剧烈地颤抖。
- Each new variety or species, during the progress of its formation, will gene rally press hardest on its nearest kindred, and tend to exterminate them. 在每一新变种或新种的形成过程中,常常对于最近缘的种类压迫最甚,并且还有消灭它们的倾向。
- When once I looked down I saw that my legs,also spread out and pressed hard against the walls,were shaking violently. 有一次我往下一瞧,发现也是由于叉开使劲撑着石壁的缘故,我的双腿在剧烈地颤抖。
- They are pressing us to make a quick decision. 他们正在敦促我们迅速作出决定。
- Do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are going dead? 当我们明知遥控器的电池没电的时候,是不是还更用力的按?
- Instead of pressing forward, they drew back. 他们不仅没有前进,反而后退了。