- As previously spoken, the anthroposphere is playing an ever-increasing role. 正如前面所述,人类圈正在发挥着一个越来越重要的作用。
- I don’t think this requires a change in our biology but rather a shift in the noosphere. 我认为这并不要求要对我们的生理结构做什么改变,而是人类圈的一个转变。
- Modern Earth system is Quintuple-epigeospheric system including the anthroposphere. 现代地球系统即为包括人类圈在内的五元地球表层系统。
- The noosphere is our collective knowledge and wisdom, and today it “evolves” far faster than any biological entities. 人类圈是我们知识和智慧的总和,如今它“进化”得远比其它生物实体要快得多。
- In fact, the ongoing biological evolution of human beings is so slow as to be virtually irrelevant compared to the rate at which the noosphere is evolving. 事实上,人类在生物学意义上的持续进化是如此之慢,跟人类圈的进化比起来,两者简直毫不相干。
- Being a part of the anthroposphere, which is so greatly disrupting the planet, our obligation must be to compensate for our mismanagement all these years. 人类圈正极大地破坏着地球,作为人类圈的一个组成部分,我们有义务必须为所有这些年的管理不善作出补偿。
- Symbolical exchange constantly happens between literature --a branch of noosphere (e.g. politics, ideology, economy, culture, society) and its environment. 文学是处于它的环境之中的,文学是人类精神家族(如政治、意识形态、经济、文化、社会等)中的一个分支。
- The proposed concepts of "Anthroposphere" and "Anthropocene Era" represent the latest development of earth system science, which further emphasize the role of human being in the changing earth system. 研究证明,今天,人类的社会和经济活动的范围之广和强度之大,已经足以开始对整个地球的气候和生态系统产生显著的影响。
- Keywords Anthroposphere earth system epigeosphere.; 人类圈;地球系统;地球表层;
- The Cosmic Environment- Inorganic Earth- Biosphere- Anthroposphere System and Big Earth Science 天地生人系统与大地球科学
- anthroposphere 人类圈
- noosphere 人类圈,人类知识的总和