- Phone光照模型 Phone illumination mode
- Phone明暗处理 Phone shading handle
- 耶稣被钉死在十字架上。与the连用 The crucifying of Jesus on Calvary. Used with the.
- THE蛋白 THE gene
- [+information,library,phone] 有享用某物的机会 to have access to sth
- 定冠词 the definite article, the
- 包含用于表示i-mode或J-Phone符号方案的开头的字符。 Contains the characters used to denote the beginning of an i-mode or J-Phone symbol scheme.
- 赤道赤道。和the连用 The equator. Used with the.
- 最畅销品目录最畅销的唱片或其他物品的目录单。常与the连用 A listing of best-selling recorded music or other items. Often used with the.
- 电话号码(phone-number)来自ml_device_address.address列 The phone number comes from the ml_device_address. Address column
- 无家可归的人。常与the连用 People without homes considered as a group. Often used with the.
- 对每个用户的Pocket PC Phone Edition设备重复这些步骤。 Repeat this procedure for each of your users'Pocket PC Phone Edition devices.
- 定冠词the definite article "the"
- 获取一个值,该值指示浏览器是否支持J-Phone多媒体属性。 Gets a value indicating whether the browser supports J-Phone multimedia attributes.
- 事过境迁。the matter is all over, and the situation has changed.
- 唯一要做的是在写入时你必须选择FAST PHONE来刷写这部电话 You must select FAST PHONE option when flash this phones only
- 魔鬼;撒且。与the连用 The Devil; Satan. Used with the.
- 如用头戴耳机收听,请要标有“phone"字样的插座连接头戴耳机。 For headphones listening, connect the headphones plug into the "phones"socket.
- inner web of the middle toe (足中趾与次趾间之缝隙) 中指内间
- 这些工具帮助我快速创建了Phone Number编辑面板和Preferences面板的窗体。 These tools helped me quickly create the forms for the Phone Number edit panel and the Preferences panel.