- anomalous discharge current 异学放电电流
- Setting up discharge current and final voltage. 设定放电电流和最终电压。
- High discharge current performance of lithium ion bettery is introduced. 摘要研究了锂离子电池大电流放电性能。
- Apply 2.5x rating voltage to both Terminations for 5 seconds. Charge and discharge current are less than 50mA. 以额定电压2.;5倍电压施加于两端电极并持续5秒;充放电流不大于50毫安。
- Especially, the switching power system can provide the steady discharge current without any amperite. 无需镇流电阻也可实现气体稳定放电。
- Discharge current of the electrode with a whole piece of metal as its ground is much higher than that of the electrode with a pectinated ground. 用整块金属板做接地电极相比于梳状接地电极可以产生较大的放电电流;
- Besides, researches and designs of the electrode and the battery were proposed for the high discharge current lithium ion battery. 并针对大电流放电锂离子电池提出了电极及电池设计研究方向。
- Then, the breakdown characteristics and the de-pendence of discharge current density on time are theoretically calculated in this kind of AC silent discharge. 然后由其解析解计算这种无声放电的着火特性和放电电流密度对时间的依赖关系,并与实验结果相比较。
- By analyzing the electrostatic discharge current waveform and given parameters,have designed a kind of discharge circuit called human body/metal model. 通过对标准电流波形及给定参数的分析,设计了易于实现的人体-金属模型放电回路。
- The experimental results indicate that the dielectric barrier discharge will show different forms and discharge current waveforms by fixing or rotating the grounding electrode. 实验的结果表明:接地电极静止或转动介质阻挡放电将呈现不同的放电形式和电流波形。
- A comprehensive system for measuring multi chanel presure, discharge voltage, and discharge current was designed to solve the problem of electric potential isolation and electromagnetic common interference measurement in ETCG research. 针对电热化学发射技术研究中遇到的电位隔离及抗电磁共模干扰等测试技术难点 ;设计、研制了多通道压力、放电电压及电流测试的综合测试装置 .
- According to Economic Commission for Europe(ECE) cycle,the discharge current value of a pure electric vehicle,EVERY,was calculated,which had the same trend as the experimental results. 以ECE循环工况作为纯电动汽车常用工况;计算了EVERY电动汽车的放电电流特性;并与实验结果进行对比;表明计算结果与实验结果基本一致.
- The Raman spectrum also shows that the amount of the component of amorphous carbon decreases as the growth time and discharge current density are increased. This is due to that the amorphous carbon is mainly contained at crystal boundary. Raman谱还表明金刚石膜内非晶碳成份随放电电流密度和生长时间增加而减少,并主要集中在晶粒界面之间。
- By studying the relationship among discharge current, discharge voltage and air pressure, we find that the dc HCD operates in a special glow mode, which is an intergrade between normal and abnormal glow discharge. 通过对直流空心阴极放电过程的研究,证明其是一种介于正常辉光放电与反常辉光放电之间的一种特殊的辉光放电形式。
- Raman spectrum shows that with the increase of the discharge current, the intensity of the Raman peak is aggrandized and the FWHM is deceased.There is not Graphite peak at 1580cm-1. 对Raman谱分析得出:随放电电流的增加,金刚石的散射峰逐渐尖锐,半高宽逐渐减小,在1580cm-1处没有明显的晶态石墨特征峰。
- Of no particular type; anomalous. 难以归类的不属于任何一类的; 奇怪的
- Note 2- in the presence of a lightning protection system the discharge current will be substantially higher and an assessment will lead to the choice of a higher rated discharge current for the SPD. 注2---有雷击防护系统的情形下,放电电流会明显较高,因而应选择更高额定放电电流的SPD。
- The energy utilization factor is higher in DBD than in DBCD because suitable uniform electric field distribution and high discharge current pulse are helpful to improve energy efficiency. 指出了两种反应器中的放电空间、模式以及电场分布的不同,实验表明同轴管管反应器中的DBD比同轴线管电极结构DBCD具有更高的能量效率。
- Increasing O2 volume fraction can improve the development of streamer and heighten the discharge current, which is helpful to increase NO removal rate and NO conversion rate into NO2. 提高O2体积分数能够促进流光电晕的发展,增大放电电流,从而提高NO的脱除率以及NO向NO2的转化率。
- Through monitoring the temperature rise of the battery at different discharge currents, the heat dissipation effects of the battery cooled with both PCM and air were compared. 通过测定电池在不同电流下放电过程中的温度变化,研究和比较了分别采用相变冷却技术与空气换热冷却技术的电池散热效果;