- Like ivory can be made into artificials, many other animal teeth can also be made into arts and crafts such as crocodile teeth, even mouse teeth. ...... 正如同象牙可以制成许多工艺品一样,许多动力的牙齿都可以制作工艺品,如鳄鱼牙、甚至老鼠牙。
- But it appears these early humans ancestors became the unfortunate victims of a large carnivore, as their collective bones were marked by animal teeth and found in a lair-like deposit. 但现在看来,这些人类的早期祖先成为了一个巨大的肉食兽底下的受害者,因为他们的骨头和动物的牙齿是在一个洞穴里一起发现的。
- We should brush our teeth at least twice a day. 我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。
- It is often unpleasant to see an anomaly animal. 见到一只畸形动物常常会使人感到不快。
- The combined fleet is armed to the teeth. 这支联合舰队全副武装。
- He clenched his teeth and refused to tell anything. 他咬紧牙关,什么也不肯说。
- The animal is not used to the hotness of its new habitat yet. 这个动物还不习惯新栖息地的炎热。
- How many teeth did the dentist take out? 牙科医生给患者拔了几颗牙?
- I pick up a leaflet about the care of teeth. 我拿起一张宣传保护牙齿的传单。
- The dying animal was found foaming at the mouth. 那只将死的动物被发现口吐白沫。
- The dentist used amalgam to fill my teeth. 牙医用汞合金给我补牙。
- The dentist was cleaning and taking out teeth. 牙科医生正在清洁和拔牙。
- The animal's fur bristled up with anger. 那只动物因发怒而竖起了身上的毛。
- The lemon juice set his teeth on edge. 柠檬汁把他的牙齿都酸倒了。
- She subscribes to an animal protection society. 她捐款给一个动物保护协会。
- He ground his teeth (together) in frustration. 他因失败而把牙咬得咯咯响。
- The cat is a domestic animal in many countries. 猫在许多国家都是家养动物。
- He kept his pipe clamped between his teeth. 他一直叼著烟斗。
- This word denotes a certain kind of animal. 这个词是一种野兽的名称。
- I often have trouble with my teeth. 我常常牙痛。