- Now and then become interlining aneurism. 偶尔成为夹层动脉瘤。
- Aneurism is as good a word as any other. 肯定有人死了。"
- It's not a tumor or an aneurism! |不是肿瘤或动脉瘤!
- Congenital aneurism often appears later in manhood symptom. 先天性动脉瘤往往在成年以后出现症状。
- But then when I saw the price tag, I just about had an aneurism. 不过之后当我看到它的标价牌时,我简直是吓了一大跳。
- Bad distribution of congenital aneurism body wall, general all thinner. 先天性动脉瘤体壁厚薄不均,一般均较薄。
- Its reason in the congenital aneurism sees most much by the skull in. 其原因以颅内先天性动脉瘤内最多见。
- Objective To summarize experience of intracranial aneurism by direct operation. 目的总结颅内动脉瘤直接手术的治疗经验。
- Do you ever think what you can hold if you get aneurism or breast cancer as you are absorbed in pursuing such things? 试想一下,在你专心于这些物质追逐的时候,你得了动脉瘤或者乳腺癌,又能如何呢?
- Via the head angiography can be made clear is belong to the aneurism inside skull or be hemal deformation. 经脑血管造影就可以明确是属于颅内动脉瘤或是血管畸形。
- Congenital aneurism burst often has rage, overworked, waterWine, be pregnant the inducement such as evening. 先天性动脉瘤破裂常有情绪激动、劳累、饮酒、怀孕末期等诱因。
- Also somebody thinks congenital aneurism is formed on the foundation of keep of certain and embryonic hemal vestiges. 也有人认为先天性动脉瘤是在某些胚胎血管残迹留存的基础上形成的。
- Congenital aneurism often is located in cerebral surface, also can be located in inside cerebral essence. 先天性动脉瘤常位于脑表面,也可位于脑实质内。
- Conclusions Intracranial aneurism should be actively operated in order to prevent reblooding. 结论为防止再次出血,颅内动脉瘤应积极手术。
- Intracranial aneur ysm is a disease which can seriously do harm to human health.The laws of its ge nesis, developments and outcomes are still unclear. 颅内动脉瘤是一种严重危害人类生命安全的疾病,其发生、发展和转归的规律仍未完全明确。
- Be like the patient of arachnoid haemorrhage finishing speech, as a result of,often be the aneurism inside skull or hemal deformation be caused by. 如蛛网膜下腔出血的病人,常是由于颅内动脉瘤或血管畸形所致。
- Congenital aneurism is good the far end that sends the artery at annulus of artery of compositive head base or its branch. 先天性动脉瘤好发于组成脑基底动脉环的动脉或其分支的远端。
- Hanson sees a former patient who has a recurrence of a life-threatening brain aneurism whose brother is dead set against his operating on her again. 旧病人看到重影,检查后发现动脉瘤复发,韩德建议动手术,但手术只有两成机会成央A且过程中需要停止病人的心跳,即病人必定会在手术中死亡,情况令人担忧。
- The research still shows that the risk of dying from stroke, aneurism,high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases are also increased. 研究还表明,死于中风、动脉瘤、高血压和其他心血管疾病的危险也有所增加。
- Methods Of 48 cases with intracranial aneurism, 42 were performed with clapping of aneurism, 6 with coating of aneurism. 方法48例颅内动脉瘤显微手术,其中瘤颈夹闭术42例,瘤壁加固术6例。