- And Pity from thee more dear than that from another. 从你的心上发出的怜悯比别人的更珍贵可亲。
- She watched him with love and pity. 她爱怜地注视着他。
- Silent with awe and pity I went to her bedside. 怀着畏惧与怜悯,我悄悄地走近她床头。
- His eye rested on her, filled with grief and pity. 他的眼睛凝视着她,充满了悲哀和同情。
- And pity Sultan Mahmud on his Throne. 还怜悯端坐王位的苏丹马赫穆德。
- There is shock and fear, and pity. 我们震惊,我们恐惧,我们同情。
- You'll probably see me from your greenhouse window and pity me. 你从玻璃窗里,遥遥的外望,也许会可怜我。
- But I do not hate him, he is just a little contempt and pity. 不过我不恨他,只是有点鄙视和可怜他。
- The little girl is small, weak and pitiful. 这个小姑娘身体弱小,让人可怜。
- The boy loved the old fisherman and pitied him. 孩子喜欢并且可怜这个老渔人。
- He felt himself drawn to her by obscure feelings of jealousy and pity. 他感到,一种说不出是嫉妒还是怜悯的朦胧情感使他向她靠拢。
- Now Laura could only feel a deep well of sympathy and pity for the older woman. 现在劳拉对这名老妇女只能感到深深的同情和怜悯。
- I'm so wretched, you can't help being sorry and pitying me. 我是这么惨啊,你不能不难过,不能不怜悯我呀。
- The poets, the writers' duty is to write about these things, it's his privilege to help man endure, lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage, and honor and hope and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. 诗人和作家的责任就是把这些写出来。诗人和作家的特权就是去鼓舞人的斗志、使人记住过去曾经有过的光荣---人类曾有过的勇气、荣誉、希望、自尊、同情、怜悯与牺牲精神--以达到永恒。
- The old universal truths, lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed: love and honor and pity and pride, and compassion and sacrifice. 没有这古老的普遍真理,任何小说都只能昙花一观,不会成功;这些真理就是爱、荣誉、怜悯、自尊、同情与牺牲等感惰。
- And God put into the heart of the captain of the unsexed servants kind feelings and pity for Daniel. 天主赏达尼尔在宦官长眼中获得宠遇和同情。
- One hope is too like despair For prudence to smother, And pity from thee more dear Than that from another. 有一种希望太似绝望;何须再加提防!你的怜悯之情无人能比,温暖着我的心。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- Before he died, he was unable to speak but he looked at his son dully with both eyes filled with regret and pity. 临死前,他已不能说话了,只是呆滞地望着儿子,眼神里满含着愧疚和怜惜。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。