- A slide-rule is a simple analogue computer. 计算尺是简单的模拟计算机。
- Micellar system can be used as a simple analogue to mimic enzyme. 胶束体系是模拟酶的简单模型之一。
- Surimi is marketed as an analogue of crabmeat. 碎鱼块被当作蟹肉代用品出售
- These sensors are of digital (analogue) type. 这些传感器是开关(模拟)量的。
- Can Stroke Patients Use Visual Analogue Scales? 中风患者可以使用视力类似分级标准吗?
- An analogue meter moves a needle along a scale. 指针式万用表,以在一个范围内,摆动一根指针指标测量数值而名。
- Generally, voice transmission is in analogue form. 通常,声音的传送是用模拟形式。
- VASP? Virtual Analogue Switching Point? 虚拟相似体切换点?
- Read the time to five minutes on an analogue clock. 制作各类时间(小时、分钟及秒)工作纸;并有网上练习。
- An enzyme that catalyzes genetic recombination. 催化重级酶能催化基因重组的一种酶
- Rhizopus secrets this enzyme into the bread. 面包酶将这种酶分泌到面包上。
- Nitrate reductase is a short-lived enzyme. 硝酸还原酶是短寿酶。
- These enzyme aggregates provide a mechanism. 这些酶的聚集物提供了一种机制。
- The Restriction Enzyme Database from NEB. 限制苺资料库取自新英格兰生物实验室公司。
- A bacterial enzyme; bacterial diseases. 细菌酶;细菌性疾病
- Alternatively, take an enzyme supplement. 或者吃一些专门补充酵的补品。
- The enzyme was acid phosphatase. 这酶是酸性磷酸酶。
- Munich was the nearest analogue to what was happening then. 当时事态用慕尼黑事件来做比拟最为恰当。
- An enzyme that promotes the passage of a substance across a cell membrane. 透性酶激活另一种物质穿透细胞膜的一种酶
- Thermodynamics of transient enzyme kinetics. 瞬时酶动态热力学。