- analog variable assignment 模拟变量指定
- In analog computing, a functional unit that compares two analog variables and indicates the result of that comparison. 在模拟计算机技术中,一种比较两个模拟量并将比较结果表示出来的功能部件。
- A functional unit whose input analog variables are the polar coordinates of a point and whose output analog variables are the cartesian coordinates of the same point, or viceversa. 一种功能部件,其输入模拟变量为某一点的极坐标,而输出的模拟变量为该点的直角坐标,反之亦然。
- A functional unit whose output analog variable is equal to the sum, or a weighted sum, of the input analog variables. 其输出的模拟变量等于两个或多个输入模拟变量之和或加权和的一种操作装置(功能部件)。
- For material resources, variable assignment units can affect the schedule. 对于材料资源,变化的分配单位将影响日程排定。
- Tag, the variable assignment can leverage its default value capability. 标记的主体内容中,变量赋值就可以利用其缺省值能力。
- To examine each step and each variable assignment as they are made, set the Trace parameter to a value of 2. 若要检查每个步骤以及完成每个步骤时每个变量赋值,请将Trace参数的值设置为2。
- Language constructs for looping, conditional, flow-control, and variable assignment are all supported. 循环、条件、流控制和变量赋值的语言结构全部可以支持。
- A functional unit whose output analog variable is the integral of an input analog variable with respect to time. 一种功能部件,其输出模拟变量是输入模拟变量相对于时间的积分。
- A functional unit whose output analog variable is equal to the sum, or a weighted sum, of the input analog variable s. 其输出的模拟变量等于两个或多个输入模拟变量之和或加权和的一种操作装置[功能部件]。
- Simply copy and paste the template into your story text, and replace the text after the equals sign in each template variable assignment. 只要简单复制这些代码到你的文章中,并且修改其中的文字,就大功告成了。
- A SELECT statement that contains a variable assignment cannot be used to also perform typical result set retrieval operations. 包含变量赋值的SELECT语句不能也用于执行通常的结果集检索操作。
- A functional unit whose output analog variable is equal in magnitude to its input analog variable but is of opposite algebraic sign. 一种功能部件,其输出模拟变量和输入模拟变量的数值相等,但代数符号相反。
- If variable assignment must occur in a trigger, use a SET NOCOUNT statement at the start of the trigger to prevent the return of any result sets. 如果必须在触发器中进行变量赋值,则应该在触发器的开头使用SET NOCOUNT语句以避免返回任何结果集。
- This is not used by the collector (it's used by other internal Microsoft tools), but must match the name used on the left side of the meta variable assignment statement. 此字段不是由收集程序使用(而是由其他内部Microsoft工具使用),但是它必须与元变量赋值语句左侧所使用的名称相匹配。
- A functional unit whose output analog variable is the integral of an input analog variable with respect to time. For some integrators, the variable of integration may be other than time. 一种功能部件,其输出模拟变量是输入模拟变量相对于时间的积分。对某些积分器而言,积分变量可以不是时间。
- A functional unit whose output analog variable is the integral of an input analog variable with respect to time. For some integrators,the variable of integration may be other than time. 一种功能部件,其输出模拟变量是输入模拟变量相对于时间的积分。对某些积分器而言,积分变量可以不是时间。
- Assign variables to objects in the template. 分配的对象变量在模板中。
- She was sent abroad on a difficult assignment. 她被派出国执行一项艰巨任务。
- Involving two or more variables. 包括两个或多个变量的