- The stars twinkling, or tears of the deep night sky, so are his bright pupils. Only my vacant stare, a darkness to embrass, an utterly useless body to carry on.. 星光如剑,是深邃夜空流出的泪花;如同那个人皓亮的瞳仁。我却只能用空洞的眼神,拥抱着黑暗,继续背负着一具行尸走肉.
- I'm an utterly average, total geek. 我是一个十足地普通的绝对的怪胎。
- Considering the losses in the disaster area, our support was an utterly inadequate measure. 比起灾区的损失,我们的支援不过杯水车薪。
- I sniggered at father for being so impractical, for it was utterly useless to entrust me to those attendants, who cared for nothing but money. 我心里暗笑他的迂;他们只认得钱,托他们直是白托!
- Against the enemy this tactic of intimidation is utterly useless, and with our own comrades it can only do harm. 因为这种吓人战术,对敌人是毫无用处,对同志只有损害。
- All the catering to vice and waste was on an utterly childish scale. 为腐化和浪费所提供的一切实在是起码得很。
- She had gone through so much, her sleep still was full of the past agony, and it had been useless, utterly useless. 她吃了这么大的苦头,她的睡乡仍然充满着过去了的痛苦,而这是无益的,毫无益处。
- The minor glyphs are all utterly useless except the levitate glyph, which is lovely and saves a lot of hassle. 最小的铭文是基本没有用的,除了漂浮术铭文,这节省了不少麻烦。
- Love is an utterly bygone, sorry, worn-out, miserable thing with me. 对我来说,爱情已经凋零,变得悲凉凄恻,一去不复返了。
- Picking fruit joyfully in an orchard was an utterly new experience for us. 在蔬菜之乡寿光,有趣的蔬菜拍卖,轻松的果园采摘,让我们有了一次全新的体验。
- Customers can look forward to an utterly unparalleled driving experience. 客户可以期待一个完全无与伦比的驾驶体验。
- Just as rubbish can be recycled, There is no useless person in the world, they just cann't find their places. 正如垃圾可以循环再造一样,世界上不存在没用的人,而是人没有用在合适的位置上。
- Dear Echo, how I wish to write a eulogy for you. You have passed away for such a long time, and I am still a useless person. 匆匆又一年,已经十八年了,实在太匆匆。明天又要做回阳光下的蚂蚁,没有角落让我多愁善感。那么,就在今晚吧。
- Considering the losses in the disaster area, our support was an utterly inadequatemeasure. 比起灾区的损失,我们的支援不过杯水车薪。
- Wei is an utterly compelling stage presence, and she played deftly here to the larger scale. 卫是一个非常迫切的阶段存在,她巧妙地发挥这里的规模。
- She was frightened by an utterly false accusation and an utterly scurrilous threat. 她受到人家彻头彻尾的诬告,还被人家彻头彻尾的卑鄙威胁吓坏了。
- I am a very useless person. 我是个没本事的人。
- You're supposed to shuck off your old self, lose track of the news back home and try on an utterly foreign way of life. 可以彻底地放松自己,抛开在家乡发生的所有的事情,尝试全新的、异国的生活方式。
- Transmitted the sound of an utterly discomfited at this moment: "How that is OK!That is the place that I should keep! 这时传来了一个气急败坏的声音:“那怎么可以!
- He was a celebrity of an utterly archaic, type, nationally famous for sponsoring and officiating athletic competitions. 于是,在这场博览会上,他便可以借机一劳永逸地证明这一点。