- an anodyne version 删改本
- Although rejected in favour of an anodyne text, this idea was significant. 虽然这个想法最终被拒绝,并代之以缓和矛盾的折衷版本,但其意味非浅。
- She had an acute pain in her wounded leg, so she had to take an anodyne. 她受伤的那条腿疼的厉害,她只好吃了一片止疼药。
- One risk is that the group, if it seeks consensus, will produce an anodyne statement that adds little or nothing to the existing efforts to respond to the global slump. 其中一个风险就是,如果集团寻求全体一致,那么就会产生一个对现在经济危机作用很小甚至没有作用的平淡乏味的联合声明。
- After all, Mr Bush resisted similar pressure from his friend Mr Blair ahead of the G8 summit in 2005, which also addressed global warming but resulted in only an anodyne statement. 毕竟,布什先生要承受在2005年峰会前夕来自其盟友布莱尔的类似压力,同样是关于全球变暖问题的演说只是以些许无关痛痒的措辞结束。
- Did you see it in an uncut version? 你看的是未删节版的影片吗?
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- She spent an hour in quiet contemplation. 她静静地沉思了一个小时。
- It is often unpleasant to see an anomaly animal. 见到一只畸形动物常常会使人感到不快。
- The indication is that it is an underworld killing. 迹象表明它是下流社会的谋杀。
- Her daughter Nancy is an ewe lamb to her. 她的女儿南希是她的心肝宝贝。
- He had only an imperfect understanding of his task. 他对自己的任务只是一知半解。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。
- She could knit up a baby's coatee in an afternoon. 她一个下午就能编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。
- An offer terminate on the death of the offeror. 当发价人死亡,发价即被终止。
- His book was an eye opener to complacent young men. 对自满的年轻人来说,他的这本书有启发作用。