- A round hollow in a hillside; a cirque. 盆地山区中的圆的洼地
- This is the amphitheater at Lobster Cove. 这是龙虾湾的露天剧场。
- It is not only a cirque, it is more than a cirque. 太阳剧团已经不仅仅是传统的马戏团,而且重新定义了马戏团。
- Cwm - The Welsh spelling for coombe or cirque. 峡谷,盆地谷。威尔士拼法。
- I haven't done Cirque du Soleil-type shows yet! 我没有做太阳马戏团型显示尚未!
- Hollywood Bowl, the huge outdoor amphitheater, is very attractive. 好莱坞圆形的露天剧场非常壮观。
- A wall circling the arena of an ancient amphitheater. 围在古竞技场四周的墙
- One of the passageways of an amphitheater or a stadium leading from the outside wall or passageway to the seats. 大通道,出入通道圆形剧场或体育馆从外墙或通路到座位的几个通道中的一个
- Hollywood Bowl,the huge outdoor amphitheater,is very attractive. 好莱坞圆形的露天剧场非常壮观。
- The spectators in the amphitheater cheered the gladiators. 竞技场内的观众为格斗者欢呼鼓劲。
- The Chicago Amphitheater was packed, sweltering rocking. 芝加哥半圆形剧场里拥挤不堪,热浪滚滚,人潮涌动。
- One of a series of steps or tiered seats, as in an amphitheater. 阶梯式座位,阶梯一系列台阶中的一级或阶梯式坐位的一排,如在圆形剧场中的
- The amphitheater is too small.He puts dynamite to it. 这个圆形剧场太小了,于是他在剧场里安放了炸药。
- The Chicago Amphitheater was packed, sweltering, rocking. 芝加哥圆形剧场挤得水泄不通,暑热逼人,狂摇猛摆。
- The Roman Amphitheater is the symbol of Casterbridge. 罗马竞技场是卡斯特桥的代表物。
- The amphitheater is too tiny.He puts dynamite to it. 那个圆形剧场太小了,于是他在剧场里安放了炸药。
- It was the first permanent amphitheater to be built in Rome. 它是在罗马建造的第一座露天圆形剧场。
- The secret service agents hustled the speaker out of the amphitheater. 特务机关的代理人把演讲者驱逐出竞技场。
- Um, if you were good, you could leave hereand join cirque du soleil. 嗯 要是你没事。你可以去加入太阳马戏团了。
- A large amphitheater for public sports events,entertainment,or assemblies. 竞技场一种大型的举行公共体育竞赛、娱乐活动或集会的圆形剧场或竞技场