- Results obtained strongly suggested that the mineralized N was mainly from the hydrolyzable N, particularly the amino acid N and ammonia N, the latter two being the major sources for its production. 这些结果说明,可矿化氮主要来自酸解氮,特别是氨基酸态氮和铵态氮,后两者是其产生的主要来源。
- Ammonia is a chemical substance. 氨是种化学物质。
- Ammonia is a colorless gas with strong smell. 氨是无色并有强烈气味的气体。
- ammonia n n. 氨氮
- In some ways, an hydrous ammonia is just as Safe to handle as gasoline. 在某种程度上,无水氨使用起来和汽油一样安全。
- He fought in the N African campaign during the last war. 在上次战争中他在北非战役参战。
- and 4) from 26th day to 30th day (the end time of the experiment), the metabolic rate decreased most dramatically. There were only three phases during the course of CO 2 production and ammonia N excretion reduction. 耗氧率和CO2 排出率、NH3 N排泄率的变化差别较大 ;耗氧率的减小可分为 4个阶段 ;而CO2 排出率和NH3 N排泄率的减小仅可分 3个阶段 .
- Tests of the manure showed a high ammonia content. 这种肥料经过化验表明氨的含量很高。
- Dilute the ammonia with water before you use it. 使用氨之前用水稀释它。
- The smelling of ammonia brought himaround. 嗅氨使他恢复了意识。
- Sulphate of ammonia contains 20.6 per cent N and is a widely used fertilizer. 硫酸铰含氮20。6%25,是一种广为使用的肥料。
- She diluted the ammonia with water. 她用水稀释氨水。
- Ammonia has a pungent, penetrating odor. 氨具有一种强烈的刺鼻的气味。
- That will be a total of eighty N T. 那总共八十台币。
- The ammonia froze into bright crystals. 是氨冻结后生成的明亮晶体。
- Ammonia is a very reactive chemical. 氨是很活泼的化合物。
- Rock-'n'-roll was started in the 1950s. 摇滚乐发源于20世纪50年代。
- They will react with ammonia to form amidines. 它们与氨反应形成脒。
- There are four major steps in ammonia synthesis. 氨的合成主要经过四道工序。
- Rest unclogs our 18th n substitute af. 请取消我方18日的订单,并以下列代替。