- A type of atom specified by its atomic number, atomic mass, and energy state, such as carbon 14. 核种由它的原子序数、原子量和能量状况具体确定的一种原子,如碳14。
- Thylakoid lumen acidification induces high energy state quenching. 摘要类囊体腔的酸化可诱导高能态的猝灭。
- Rotational energy states have the least energy. 转动能态具有最小的能量。
- The Pauli exclusion principle indicates, therefore, that only two electrons are allowed in each atomic energy state, leading to the successive buildup of orbitals around the nucleus. 因此,鲍立不相容原理指出,在每个原子能态上只允许有两个电子,从而导致成功地建立围绕原子核的轨道理论。
- The new theory still assigns definite energy states to an atom. 新的理论仍然规定原子具有确定的能量状态。
- A type of atom specified by its atomic number,atomic mass,and energy state,such as carbon14. 核种由它的原子序数、原子量和能量状况具体确定的一种原子,如碳14
- We can bring about abnormal distribution of energy states. 我们能使能态形成异常分布。
- Until now, the proposed dark energy state of DNA was a little like the dark matter in the universe ? 至今,提出的DNA”黑暗状态“有点类似于宇宙中的暗物质??
- A type of atom specified by its atomic number, atomic mass, and energy state, such as carbon14. 核种由它的原子序数、原子量和能量状况具体确定的一种原子,如碳14。
- That is, in its natural, lowest energy state, the universe is permeated throughout by a nonzero Higgs field. 换句话说,宇宙在最低能量状态下,会弥漫著一个不为零的希格斯场。
- Whenever gas absorbs light, electrons within the atoms jump from a low energy state to a higher one. 当气体吸收了光,原子内的电子就会自低能阶跃迁到较高的能阶。
- In simple terms, the atomic or molecular electronic after the impact, will be excited to a higher energy state, even ionization. 简单来说,分子或原子受电子碰撞后,会被激发至较高的能态,甚至被电离。
- The atoms all reach the same energy state, or quantum state, and they coalesce into a blob of material called a "super atom". 所有的原子都会保持相同的能量状态,或者量子状态,然后它们聚结成一个被称为“超能原子”的物质团。
- Mni equipment display after entering the energy state of the cumulative time (minutes), as well as the total running time of equipment. 显示Mni设备进入节能状态后的累计时间(分)以及设备总运行时间。
- At that point they are at their lowest energy state and even one missed day of irrigation (or rainfall) can mean a spotty stand. 这时候幼苗抗性最弱,一天不灌溉(或下雨)就会影响它的生长。
- If the energy of original microstructure is higher,it will transfer to the lower energy state during cyclic straining and cyclic softening will occur. 如果原始组织结构的能量较高,则循环变形过程中将会向低能结构转化,并发生循环软化;相反,则发生循环硬化。
- The state of being allowed to enter. 准许进入,加入被允许进入的状态
- No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn. 任何人都不准不按次序买票。
- Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum. 这个博物馆里不准使用闪光灯。
- The road is too narrow to allow the passage of gondola. 这条街太窄,大型货车不能通过。