- He travelled all around the country in the coming ten years. 在接下来的十年里他差不多走遍了整个国家。
- There are various kinds of vocational colleges all around the country that satisfy different needs. 适应不同需要的各类职业大学遍及全国。
- Article 31 Central bonds and local bonds of Grade A or higher creditability can be issued all around the country. 第三十一条中央企业债券和信用等级在A级以上(含A级)的地方企业债券,可以面向全国发行。
- Look into the future, Shenling will build a splendid brand and become a superexcellent enterprise in the country even all around the world! 展望未来,我们仍将坚持以执着的专业精神和技术优势引领市场,打造辉煌品牌,建设卓越企业。
- All around the country large and small beekeeping operations are registering staggering losses of honeybees, with some farmers reporting population drops of 99 percent. 全国大大小小的蜜蜂养殖场的蜂蜜产量已摇摇欲坠,有些农民声称蜜蜂数量已减少百分之九十九。
- This Gothic cathedral has attracted visitors from all around the world. 这座哥特式的大教堂吸引了世界各地的游客。
- Palm trees grow all around the island. 岛上到处长着棕榈树。
- Marco Polo traveled all around the Silk Road. 马可?波罗遍游丝路。
- All around the town to advertise the circus. 他们在镇上到处张贴海报,宣传这个马戏团。
- Lily has traveled all around the world. 游遍了世界。
- New suburbs burgeoned all around the city. 城市周围新住宅区如雨后春笋般兴起。
- And now, they are doing so all around the world. 如今,这样的情景成为全球的一道靓丽的风景,成为一种世界性的激动。
- The Han nationality distribute all around the country, mostly in the downriver of three drainage area that is Yellow River, the Changjiang River and the Zhujiang River and the northeast campagna. 14汉族分布在全国各地,主要聚居在黄河、长江、珠江三大流域的中下游和东北平原。
- Paul: They camped all around the place. 保罗:他们在这附近到处扎营。
- All around the village are vegetable fields. 村子四围都是菜地。
- On the political stump around the country. 在全国各地作政治演说
- He spent a week travelling around the country. 他用了一周的时间在这个国家里旅行。
- Welcome to friends around the country ordering! 欢迎全国各地的朋友前来订购!
- I think the Communist has been moving with vigor Laos, Africa, Cuba, all around the world, they are on the move. 而共产党正在充满活力地向前进发,老挝、非洲、古巴、整个世界、他们都在前进。
- I hugged her and walked all around the great room. 我抱着她在宽敞的屋子里到处溜达。