- The river flows from the north hills all way to the ocean. 这条河从北面山里流出来,一路流到海里。
- To better visualize the way device objects and drivers are layered, it helps to have a tool. 为了更好的观察设备对象和驱动分层的方式,这样有助于拥有一个工具。
- But if there was shaking all way from Beijing to Hanoi... it's gotta be a big one. 这一定是非常大的。希望它发生在人口稀薄的地区。。。。不过,考虑到那里是中国。。。
- Never had I seen such a sky that was so naked and blocked by nothing, and its edge was stretched all way down to snuggly domed the earth. 从未见过这样完整的天,一点也没有被吞食,边沿全是挺展展的,紧扎扎地把大地罩了个严实。
- The lieutenant told Colby to get behind the gun when it next fired, saying he could watch the shell all way to the target. 炮兵中尉告诉科尔比上尉,下次开炮时站到大炮身后,他说那样上尉就可以看到炮弹奔向目标的全过程。
- Listen, for instance, to Tim McGraw's "Back When", a number-one hit in 2004: "We got too complicated./ It's all way overrated./ I like the old and outdated way of life. 这样一来,当2004年美国大选开始的时候,一个普通乡村音乐听众每天都要听上个把小时有关家庭、国家、上帝的歌曲,歌中有大量的怀旧情绪作为佐料。
- The invaders made spoil of all in their way. 侵略者所到之处无不洗劫一空。
- Even if I have to walk all the way I'll get there. 即使一路走着去,我也得赶到那里。
- I like boots that lace up all the way to the top. 我喜欢带子一直能系到靴口的长筒靴。
- This is by all odds the easier way. 这肯定是较为简单的方法。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- Tell me about all your doings in London. 告诉我你在伦敦所做的一切。
- If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job. 如果我们大家都动手,一会儿就可以干完这件事。
- We all have our little weaknesses. 我们都有些小缺点。
- Holy mackerel! What a way to run all army! 好家伙,这是什么指挥部队的方式呀!
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。
- All right, have it your own way. 你爱怎么干就怎么干吧!
- The little girl flipped all the way to school. 小女孩一路跳跳蹦蹦地去学校。
- He had been bumming around the park all day. 他在公园里荡了一整天了。
- She made us all laugh with her zany tricks. 她那些滑稽的恶作剧逗得我们都大笑起来。