- Eventually he spotted the airstrip spread out on a level terrain. 他终于找到了那个伸展在平地上的简易机场。
- The plane landed on a jungle airstrip. 飞机在丛林中的简易机场降落。
- The welcoming airstrip in Macas, Ecuador. 机场图片 Macas Airport 3.
- An area the size of the Hornet's flight deck was marked off on an airstrip and they practiced taking off time after time from this restricted space. 在机场上标出一块与大黄蜂号飞行甲板一样大小的地方,他们从这样一块有限的面积上一次又一次地练习起飞。
- The photographer arrived at the airstrip just an hour before sundown. 这位摄影师恰好在日落前一小时赶到了临时跑道。
- Today a visit to the estate begins near the site of the old airstrip. 今天游览到这个庄园,起点就在旧飞机跑道所在位置附近。
- I drove my motorcycle up and down the airstrip, and the young birds matched my speed perfectly. 我驾驶着摩托车在飞机跑道上来回跑,这些雏雁紧随其后,能很好地配合我的速度。
- An airstrip capable of handling light aircraft was opened at Koto-ri that same day. 同一天一条可以供轻型飞机起降的跑道在古土里投入使用。
- LIUCHOW AIRSTRIP as it looked when Chinese troops recaptured the airfield. Note large craters in runway. 中国军队夺回柳州机场。注意跑道中的大坑。
- We landed at another airstrip in about forty-five minutes, where there was a car and somebody waiting. 我们在另一个临时机场着陆,用了四十五分钟,那里有一辆小汽车和有人在等着。
- Naturally, this is where aircraft carriers come in handy: a mobile airstrip that you can park in his back yard? 自然而然,航母在这里发挥作用了:一个可以放到敌方后院的移动飞行跑到?
- Mr Szapary landed his plane on a grass airstrip by Lake Naivasha and found out the whereabouts of his two Luo managers. 斯扎帕里先生把飞机着陆在内瓦沙大湖一个着陆的草坪上,并且发现了他的两位公司经理的去处。
- The process of penetrating multilayer medium below airstrip was numerically simulated by finite element code LS-DYNA3D. 摘要利用LS-DYNA3D有限元软件,对串联反跑道弹药二级随进弹斜侵彻机场跑道底层结构进行了全过程数值模拟。
- Fossett went missing in September of 2007 after taking off in his plane from an airstrip in Nevada. 去年9月3日,63岁的福塞特驾驶一架单引擎飞机失踪。今年2月,法院已宣告福塞特“死亡”。
- One day he noticed a crumpled Piper Tri-Pacer at the end of Mr.Cook's grass airstrip. 一天他注意到库克草地跑道的尽头有一架扭曲的PiperTri-Pacer飞机。
- I found that there was a Yamaha shop on the south side of town, past the airstrip. 我发现,有雅马哈店南侧镇,过去的简易机场。
- The individuals living on Airstrip One are dissolved by perpetual war into a single downtrodden “nation”. 住在空降场一号的那些人, 因为连年战争不止,熔化成一个单一的民族国家, 饱受蹂躏。
- Searchers are now concentrating on an area within 80 kilometers of the airstrip where Fossett took off last Monday. 搜寻人员目前把注意力集中在福塞特上星期一起飞的小机场方圆80公里内的地区。
- Now hooked as an aviator, I erected a hangar on my property, put in a 180-metre airstrip and--when the weather was right--became airborne. 我痴迷得忘乎所以,俨然自己就是一个飞行员,在自己的地上搭起了飞机棚,修了一条180米长的跑道。天气好的时候,我就练习飞行。
- The only small-scale weather modification other than local frost prevention is that of clearing an airport or airstrip of fog. 除局地防霜外,唯一的小尺度人工影响天气作业是清除航空港或简易机场上的雾。