- air sac disease 气囊病
- Objective To study the correct deal method of incarceration of urethral catheter with air sac. 摘要目的:探讨留置气囊导尿管嵌顿后的正确处理方法。
- Macroscopic characteristics showed that much yellow fibrin exuded from air sac, and liver and kidney were swollen. 眼观病变为气囊有黄色纤维性物质渗出,肝、肾肿大,质地变脆。
- To study inside endoscopy bottom the air sac expansion treatment achalasia the long-term curative effect. 目的观察内镜下气囊扩张治疗贲门失弛缓症远期疗效。
- Objective: To invent an intracavity air sac urinary catheter to meet the clinical requirement. 目的:研制一种适合临床需要的腔内气囊导尿管。
- OBJECTIVE To investigate the r el ative relationship between liquid on air sac and ventilator-associated pneumoni a(VAP) after endotracheal intubation. 目的探讨气管插管后气囊上液体成分引起呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)的相关关系。
- ConclusionNursing personnel should control the structure,function,characteristics and announcements of urethral catheter with air sac,and handle the extubation method. 结论:护理人员应熟练掌握气囊导尿管的结构、性能、特点及使用的注意事项,正确掌握气囊导尿管拔管的方法。
- It expatiated mainly the indication, nursing care management on airway humidification, oxygen inhalation, expectoration, air sac and respiratory infection. 重点阐述了气管切开的适应证,气道湿化的护理管理,吸氧、排痰的护理管理,气囊的护理管理,呼吸道感染的护理。
- Conclusion Nursing personnel should control the structure, function, characteristics and announcements of urethral catheter with air sac, and handle the extubation method. 结论:护理人员应熟练掌握气囊导尿管的结构、性能、特点及使用的注意事项,正确掌握气囊导尿管拔管的方法。
- A slip-cover for chair of automobile creates with the appropriation lace cloth quantity body, out of the ordinary.Can also provide kit for car of take the side protection air sac. 汽车座椅套以专用花边布料量身制作;与众不同.;也可以给带侧保护气囊的轿车提供配套
- And the lining of the air sacs is too thick to allow gas exchange. 而且,肺泡内壁太厚,无法进行气体交换。
- Birds have up to nine extra air sacs to supplement their lungs. 鸟除了肺还有9个多的气囊作为肺的补给。
- The toxic and teratogenic effects of AlCl_3 on white leghorn chick embryos were studied. Different concentrations of AlCl_3 dissolved in redistilled water were injected into the air sac of the eggs (0.2ml per egg ) on the third day of incubation. 用来航鸡胚;于孵育第3d从气室注入0.;2ml不同浓度的AlCl_3水溶液。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- Design and Application of Cross Air Sac 十字气囊的设计与应用
- Keywords Achalasia;the air sac expand; 贲门失弛缓症;气囊扩张;
- The cells are part of the tiny air sacs lining the lower airways known as aleoli. 这些细胞是小肺部泡囊的一部分,小肺部泡囊又称肺泡排列在下呼吸道内。
- The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。