- She speak on the radio, airing her view to the nation. 她在电台演说,向全国发表她的见解。
- The teacher aired her views in class. 老师在课堂上发表了她的见解。
- She threw off all senses of restraint and aired her views with clarity. 他摆脱了拘束的感觉,清楚地陈述了她的意见。
- She spoke on the radio, airing her views to the nation. 她在电台演说,向全国发表她的见解。
- She speak on the radio,airing her view to the nation. 她在电台演说,向全国发表她的见解。
- From the angle of economic value of language, the author illustrates that foreign language education is an investment with economic value and airs her view about the significance of applying the theory to the reform of FLE. 并从语言的经济价值这一角度阐述了外语教育是一种具有经济价值的投资 ,指出这一理论对我国目前外语教育改革的指导意义
- She decided to make her views public. 她决定把自己的观点公开。
- She has held forth her views in her essay. 她已经在她的文章中阐述了自己的看法。
- Her views wee fully set forth in a written statement. 她的观点在一篇书面声明中得到了充分的阐述。
- Some of her views are rather socialistic. 她的观点颇有一些社会主义倾向。
- Her views on this chimed with mine. 她对这个问题的看法与我一致。
- Her views on the matter were one-sided. 她对这件事的看法是片面的。
- Various adversity has soured her view of life. 一连串的不幸使她的人生观变得酸腐。
- Her speech yesterday was a signal that her views have changed. 她昨天的讲话标志著她的观点已经转变。
- I don't go along with her views on nuclear disarmament. 我不同意她在核裁军问题上的看法。
- Are her views to the left or right of centre? 她的观点是中间偏左还是偏右?
- I can feel her.I can hear her heart beating.I can touch the air her stayed in. 我能感觉到她的存在。我能听到她的心跳。我能抚摩到她呆过的空气。
- She enlarged her views by reading. 她以读书来增长见识。
- She states her views very definitely. 她非常明确地阐述自己的观点.
- air her views vi. 发表看法(谈观点)