- Plug the fixed containers around air vent of F.O. tanks. 收紧油舱透气孔处油池放油孔的塞子。
- The mine pit caved in, and the workers escaped via the air vent. 矿井里发生了塌方,工人们都从通风口里逃生了。
- Complete with the new innovative air vent that helps eliminate colic symptoms. 先进创新的进气系统有效的减少了宝宝腹部绞痛的症状。
- Bumper's each angle is embellishing the small air vent, manifested complete bikes's width to increase. 保险杠的每个角都点缀着小的通风孔,体现了整车的宽度增加。
- The air vent connects the two rooms to the central heating system, so both the rooms are very warm. 这个管子连通了两个房间的暖气,所以房间都很暖和。
- It adjusts leaf air vent’s unlocking size and covers film, has good function in saving water. 本产品是通过调节草株叶片气孔的开启大小和覆膜相结合的原理开发的,节水效果明显。
- A new type air vent of blast furnace is designed through research and analysis on pneumatics theory. 通过气体力学理论的研究与分析,设计了一种新型的高炉风口;
- My eyes would always be drawn to the 2 x 2 foot air vent on the wall where it met the ceiling and went on through the labyrinth of the building. 我不由自主会注意到墙上那个紧挨着房顶的2×2英尺大的气孔,那气孔通向这个如迷宫般的建筑的各个地方。
- Watts air scoops have heavy cast iron construction.They have tappings for the installation of an expansion tank and air vent. 美国瓦茨导气罩具有重型铸铁结构,并都配置用于安装一个膨胀罐和排气阀的连接端口。
- It is proved that the designed gating, overflow well and air vent are reasonable, which can stabilize the whole filling process. 经分析验证证明:所设计的浇道及溢流槽、排气槽合理,整个充填过程平稳。
- An air vent connected to the other side of the pipe is fitted with a puppet so it can be propped inside, looking like just another of baby's stuffed toys. 管子另一端是小空调排气孔,上面可以装上一只玩偶,玩偶不但固定了管子,还装点了婴儿车。
- The HYDAC Air Vent Valve eliminates air bubbles which accumulate in hydraulic systems immediately after startup or after long periods of shutdown of the system. 在 HYDAC 排气阀消除气泡的液压系统中的积累后 , 立即启动或以后的系统关机长时间。
- Close the air vent through the natural materials, decrease plant leaves and stem water transpiration to saving water in high temperature and dry period. 通过天然物质关闭植物气孔的开启,在高温和干旱季节,减少植物叶茎的水分蒸腾,达到节水目的。
- The trap shall have straight through pipe connections, the air vent shall be serviced without breaking pipe connections and should be an open float design. 这种疏水阀应该采用直线穿过管道连接方式,应该是一种开口浮子设计。
- Daphne will open the air vents and release the disco skull. 达芙妮会把通风口打开并放上舞厅顶灯
- Provide adequate ventilation and do not block air vents or ducts. 提供足够通风,切勿阻塞通风口及排气管。
- So we thought that the pinholes is used for air vents. 因此,我们认为针孔是用来透气的。
- Turn on that bloody air vent. 把那该死的通风口打开。
- airflow orifice 通气孔
- Our products are including JIS、BS、ANSI、DIN、GB、CBM marine valves, such as globe valves, check valves, gate valves, butterfly valves, storm valves, air vent heads, flanges, hatch cover fittings etc. 提供产品有JIS、bs、ANSI、DIN、GB、CBM标准船用青铜、铸铁、铸钢材质的截止阀、止回阀、闸阀、蝶阀、防浪阀、油水舱空气帽、法兰、围紧器等产品.