- base track (用于推拉隔断) 地面滑轨
- 进行赛跑的整个地段称为track. The whole area they run on is called the track.
- no-field track (指云室或气泡室中) 无磁场径迹
- sound track advance (声画不同步) 声迹超前
- Note:自PHP 4.0.3起,track_vars总是打开的。 Note: As of PHP 4.0.3, track_vars is always turned on.
- 基于gpsOne方案的Snap Track定位技术在反恐作战中的应用 Application of Snap Track Technology in Antiterrorism Fighting Based on GpsOne
- 该变量在发生错误并且track_errors选项打开(默认为关闭)后才有效。 This variable will only be available within the scope in which the error occurred, and only if the track_errors configuration option is turned on (it defaults to off).
- track指郊野土路,常无正式标志,仅为人、动物或车辆走得多而形成者. Track is a rough path in the country,often not officially marked,but made by the constant passing of people,animals or vehicles.
- lane 和track还可指分开来自对面车辆或供超车用的部分路面,公路用lane,铁路用track. Lane and track can also refer to the separate parts of a road(lane)or railway(track)separating cars or trains passing in opposite directions or overtaking
- 其特有的动态寻轨(DTF-Dynamic Track Following)技术(有一个在前、可动的磁头)使得V2000不需要视频轨控制。 Because of its Dynamic Track Following (DTF) technology (involving an advanced, movable video head tip), V2000 did not require video tracking control.
- 第2种控制器与流行的QDI异步控制器STFB(single-track full-buffer)电路相比,以较少的面积代价,实现了时序验证上的极大简化。 The second controller greatly simplifies the timing verifications with lower area cost than the STFB(single-track full-buffer) circuit.
- 该系统在2005年文本检索会议(TREC,Text REtrieval Conference)的基因领域文本分类任务(Genomics Track Categorization Task)的评测中取得第一名. This text classification system got the highest score among runs from 19 groups in the evaluation of TREC 2005 Genomics Track Categorization Task.
- 该文深入研究了双通道沿迹干涉(Along-Track Interferometry,ATI)SAR的机理,给出了运用该机理在静止目标去线性调频后的频域内进行动目标检测的方法。 This paper provides a ground moving target detection algorithm in Range-Doppler domain with Along-Track Interferometry(ATI) for dual channels SAR after studying ATI theory deeply.
- 本文选用TDT3语料作为测试语料,系统达到最好的追踪性能时,在漏报率为4.0%的情况下,误报率仅为1.8%,系统最小开销为0.0029,Norm(C_(track))为0.1239。 We use TDT3 corpus as test corpus. The best tracker achieves 4.0%25 miss rate and 1.8%25 false alarm. The tracking cost is 0.0029 and Norm(C_(track))is 0.1239.