- The census undercounted the agricultural population. 人口普查少算了农业人口。
- The resettlement fee shall be calculated according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled. 征用耕地的安置补助费,按照需要安置的农业人口数计算。
- Of commandeer farmland find a place for allowance is expended, the agricultural population that finds a place for according to need is calculated. 征用耕地的安置补助费,按照需要安置的农业人口计算。
- As the agricultural population is too large in China, many people leave their village and crowd into cities to find opportunities. 由于中国人口太多,许多人离开村庄来到城市寻找新的机会。
- The urbanization refers to a country or the regional agricultural population's non-agricultural course with the life style urbanization. 城镇化是指一个国家或地区非农业人口非农化和农村生活方式城市化的过程。
- According to Qiu Cheng, Sinan village of the agricultural population of the original 861, 2869, now has become a city where all people call this the "Villages. 据邱汉成介绍,溪南村原有农业人口861户,2869人,如今这里全部变成了城区,人们称此为“城中村”。
- Mount Wutai Countyxian xia scenic spots and 19 townships, 568 administrative villages, with a total population of 319,593, of which agricultural population of 280,000 people. 五台县现辖五台山风景名胜区和19个乡镇、568个行政村,总人口319593人,其中农业人口28万人。
- The immigrants that the government organized because of garrisoning the frontier and enriching its national treasury added the agricultural population, too. 加之政府出于戍边与充实国库的需要而组织移民,鄂尔多斯的农业人口迅速增加。
- The number of agricultural population to be resettled shall be calculated by dividing the amount of cultivated land requisitioned by the per capital land occupied of the unit whose land is requisitioned. 需要安置的农业人口数,按照被征用的耕地数量除以征地前被征用单位平均每人占有耕地的数量计算。
- It is to find a place for the life place that gives priority to the agricultural population that should produce a material and gains source of income with land gives accessorial charge. 是为了安置以土地为主要生产资料并取得生活来源的农业人口的生活所给予的补助费用。
- In discussing the varieties of democratic regimes, Aristotle states that the best type of democracy is one composed of an agricultural population, and the worst type is one in which "all share alike. 在讨论民主政体的不同种类时,亚里斯多德宣称最好的民主是由农民组成的,而最差的民主乃是彼此共同分享财产。
- Essential of urbanism is a course that agriculture population centralizes to city. 摘要城市化的实质是农业人口向城市集中的过程。
- A country like England or France is only able to carry on the agriculture of the present year,because that of past years has provided,in those countries or somewhere else,sufficient food to support their agricultural population until the next harvest. 象英国和法国这样的国家,之所以能进行当年的农业生产活动,仅仅是因为这些国家或其他国家以往各年的农业已生产出 足够的食物,可供养其农业人口到一个收获季节。
- This city has a population of more than 1,000,000. 这个城市人口超过一百万。
- A desert has no settled population. 沙漠没有固定的居民。
- That state is classed as an agricultural area. 该州被划为农业区。
- There was a steady increase in population. 人口在不断增长中。
- What is the population of this country? 这个国家的人口是多少?
- The store supplies agricultural implements. 这商店供应农具。
- Disease has decimated the population. 疾病使大部分人死亡。