- She was in an agony of indecision. 她陷于犹豫不决的痛苦之中。
- They suffered the agony of watching him burn to death. 他们眼巴巴见他活活烧死而五内如焚。
- He stood outside the door in an agony of indecision. 他站在门外,不知如何是好,非常难受。
- They suffer the agony of watch him burn to death. 他们眼巴巴见他活活烧死而五内如焚。
- She waited in an agony of suspense. 她在悬念的煎熬中等待着。
- She danced about the room in an agony of joy. 她大喜若狂,不禁在房间里跳起舞来。
- Alice jumped up and down in an agony of terror. 阿丽思跳上跳下吓得要命。
- Elizabeth was in an agony of apprehension. 伊丽莎白处于一种极度的忧虑中。
- The agony of that moment was terrific. 那一刹那的痛苦是可怕的。
- No words can express the secret agony of my soul. 没有任何语言能够表达我心灵中的隐痛。
- Worse than the total agony of being in love? 有什么比爱情苦恼更糟的?
- Mary was in an agony of deciding to marry or not. 玛丽正为结不结婚的事而苦恼。
- At the news he is an agony of joy. 听到这个消息,他感到极度的高兴。
- The patient is in agony of death. 那个病人正处于临死的痛苦之中。
- SZ), now had to face the agony of coal dropped. SZ),如今不得不面对煤价大幅下跌的苦恼。
- That is not the way of transformation. 那不是一种蜕变的方式。
- Surgery is a very powerful form of transformation. 手术是运输的一种强有力的形式。
- The cat sat in front of the bird cage in an agony of frustration at being so near and yet so far. 猫无可奈何地坐在鸟笼前,眼看着鸟儿近在咫尺,可怎么也够不着。
- agony of transformation 转型之痛
- The football fans cheered the winning team with agony of wild joys. 足球迷欣喜若狂地向胜队欢呼。