- He went against the advice of his colleagues and resigned. 他不顾同事的劝告辞了职。
- He had deprived himself of the advice of all but timid souls and yes men. 他除了那些胆小鬼和唯唯诺诺的人之外,谁的话也听不进。
- Listen to the advice of your elders and betters. 听听上司的意见吧!
- He always vilipends the advice of his elders. 他总是轻视长者对他的忠告。
- You should set much by the advice of our parents. 你应该重视我们父母的规劝。
- You should take the advice of your teacher? 你应该听老师的话?
- You should take the advice of your teacher. 你应该听老师的话?
- He is always ready to take the advice of others. 他总是乐意接受别人的意见。
- The advice of one's friends can be quite useful. 朋友的忠告常常是有益的。
- The advice of the wicked is treacherous. 恶人的计谋是诡诈。
- We have duly received the advice of opening L/C. 我们已按时收到弄出信用证的通知。
- The rise of rate usually goes with the increase of inflation. 利率的提高常常与通货膨胀的增长同时出现。
- Listen to the advice of your father. 听从你父亲的话吧。
- What is adjusting industry difference to expend the basis of rate? 调整行业差别费率的依据是什么?
- This is the surprising advice of a British cook. 这是一个英国厨师令人惊奇的建议。
- Awaiting your early advice of shipment. 盼早日得到装船通知。
- She shut her ears to all the advice of her friends. 她全然不听朋友们的劝告。
- The FDA usually follows the advice of its panels. FDA通常会采用该谘询委员会的忠告。
- Seek the advice of a nutritionist or dietitian. 可以征求营养师或饮食专家的意见。