- The properties of semiconductor lase used in holographic recording and its advantage and potential in holography area is analysed. 对半导体激光器用于全息记录的特性进行了实验研究,指出了半导体激光器的优点及在光学全息领域应用的巨大潜力;
- Jiangsu Province, as the largest production area for weak gluten wheat, has its unique advantage and potential for the weak gluten wheat development. 江苏作为全国最大的弱筋小麦优势产区,发展弱筋小麦产业具有独特的优势。
- Still numerical results indicated that compared with MOM-IDFT , TDIE are moreefficient, which display advantage and potential of TDIE on treating problems ofimpulse scattering from rough surfaces. 和MOM-IDFT相比,TDIE法有着更好的计算效率,表明在粗糙面脉冲散射分析方面TDIE是一种很有价值的方法。
- In this work,a theoretical support based on CALPHAD is offered for BBO crystal growth,and the advantages and potential of CALPHAD technique in crystal growth field are fi... 本工作结合CALPHAD技术为BBO晶体的生长提供了理论支持。最后,讨论了CALPHAD技术在晶体生长领域所具有的优势和潜力。
- A lot of interest has been focused on Brillouin distributed optical fiber sensor (B-DOFS) for the recent several years because of its many advantages and potential applications. 布里渊分布式光纤传感器技术因其自身的优点和广阔的应用前景而成为目前国内外传感器研究的热点课题。
- Answer: it has both advantage and disadvantage. 回答:有利也有弊吧。
- Title 5: Your advantage and inferior position? 题目5:你的优势和劣势?
- The physical, chemical and physiological feature of erythritol and its production technlogy have been introduced , together with its distinctve advantages and potential application prospects. 本文介绍了赤薛糖醇的物理、化学、生理特性及其生产工艺,评述了赤藓糖醇的优点与潜在应用前景。
- But actual and potential conflicts abound. 但是,实际之冲突及潜在之冲突,却不计其数。
- What is the advantage and disadvantage of riding bike? 自行车的好处和坏处是什么?
- New nematic liquid crystal phase shifter has the unique advantages and potentials,will play an important role in phased-array radar,satellite c... 向列型液晶移相器具有独特的优势和发展潜力,不久的将来会在相控阵雷达以及卫星通讯等领域起到关键作用。
- Heedful of circumstances and potential consequences; prudent. 考虑周到的,仔细的对情况及可能的后果注意留心的;审慎的
- What's the advantage and disadvantage of the testing? 考试有哪些利与弊呢?
- Kiss-ass: to flatter someone to gain advantage and approval.? 阿谀奉承;拍马屁;溜须拍马?
- analysis of advantages and potential 优势及潜能分析
- First we need to identify actual and potential problems. 首先,我们需要弄清实际的问题和潜在的问题。
- Relation of electric field intensity and potential gradient. 电场强度和电势梯度的关系。
- How can we separate the key account and potential account? 如何区分重要客户和有潜在生意的客户?
- Do away with the military organization and potential of. 废除军事组织及武装。
- The bold, passionate and rich visual strain highlights the features and uniqueness of this cloth. In modern days when personality is stressed, printing cloth has incomparable advantages and potentials. 奔放、热情、充分的视觉张力,将面料的特质与性格表现的极为引人注目。在个性主义盛行的今天,印花面料有着无与伦比的优势和潜质。