- According to the news on 10 June, 2009, the Inner MongoliaAutonomous Region Government lunched an executive meeting todiscuss the issue of coal price adjustment fund collection. 09年6月10日新闻,内蒙古自治区政府会议讨论将对在自治区内生产的煤炭企业征收价格调节基金。
- Second, quarterly data show that in the rich natural adjustment fund positions in the second quarter, an increase of large coal, in areas such as finance and insurance configuration. 二季报数据显示,在富国天成基金在二季度调整仓位,增加大了对煤炭、金融保险等领域的配置。
- Revenue raised from budget adjustment fund 七、国家预算调节基金收入
- A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two rooms. 稍作些调节就会使两间房内的温度相等。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。
- I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents. 我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测。
- Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. 可能有必要调节一下镜头。
- A collection will be made for the fund. 为筹措该基金将举行一次募捐。
- He administer a large pension fund. 他管理一大笔养老金。
- Specific measures for raising and adjusting adjustment funds of unemployment insurance and for local financial subsidies are to be stipulated by people's governments of provinces and autonomous regions. 失业保险调剂金的筹集、调剂使用以及地方财政补贴的具体办法,由省、自治区人民政府规定。
- A small alteration, adjustment, or limitation. 更改小小的改变,调正或限制
- The company made an adjustment in my salary. 公司对我的薪金作了调整。
- A fund will be set up for the dead men's families. 抚恤死难工人家属的基金会即将建立起来。
- He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund. 他向救济基金捐赠巨资。
- How much did you contribute to the relief fund? 你为那笔救济金捐了多少?
- Could I adjust to Chinese life at72? 七十二岁的我能适应中国的生活吗?
- I must adjust my watch, it's fast. 我的表快了,我得把它校准。
- All Union members should contribute to the Welfare Fund. 所有工会会员都应向福利基金会捐款。
- Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness. 宇航员在飞行中必须适应失重状态。