- You can track an object just by using its address. 只需使用对象的地址即可跟踪对象。
- She became an object of worship. 她成了一个被崇拜的对象。
- What an object you look in that old hat! 你戴著那顶帽子,样子可真怪!
- Having to address an audience always gives me the horrors. 在大庭广众面前讲话,我总是感到非常紧张。
- An object designed to be pulled out. 为被拉出而设计的物体
- A measure of the heaviness of an object. 重量一个物体的重量的度量法
- Doing work means moving an object from place to place. 做功意味着把物体从一个地方移动到另一个地方。
- An upward force must be exerted on it so as to lift an object. 要提起重物必须向它施加一个向上的力。
- The right to address an assembly, as granted under parliamentary procedure. 发言权议会程序中所授予的在会议上发言的力权
- An object of ridicule; a laughingstock. 有趣之事滑稽可笑的事物; 笑柄
- Address an envelope to a friend who lives abroad. 给国外的一位朋友准备一个信封。
- Address an envelope and put the letter in it. 把地址写在信封上, 把信装进信封里。
- Retrieves the address of an object in a Pinned handle. 在Pinned句柄中检索对象的地址。
- A fixed movement or tendency toward an object or end. 定势朝着一个目标或终点的确定性的运动或趋势
- Let this accident be an object lesson in the dangers of drinking and driving. 这一事故可以作为醉酒驾驶危害的实际教训。
- A shield placed to protect an object from the wind. 风挡为防止一个物体受风吹而安置的保护物
- Address an envelope to a married couple who live abroad. 写出寄给居住在国外的一对已婚夫妇的信封上的地址。
- Address an envelope to a married lady who lives abroad. 为写给居住在国外的一位已婚女士的信配一个信封。
- A judge must give an objective opinion. 评判员必须发表公正的意见。
- Address an envelope to a married woman who lives abroad. 你给一位居住在国外的已婚妇女写信,写出你的信封。