- 50个州组成(或用constitute或make up)联邦。 Fifty states compose (or constitute or make up ) the Union.
- Update-Factor模型 Update-Factor model
- ADD-1基因 Alpha-adducin gene
- 实现IEnumerable的类必须实现带单个参数的公共Add方法。 A class that implements IEnumerable must implement a public Add method that takes a single parameter.
- (=Rhesus factor negative) Rh因子阴性,狝猴因子阴性 Rh neg.
- add ... to v. 加, 增加, 添加
- (=Laki-Lorand factor) 拉-罗二氏因子(XIII因子,纤维蛋白稳定因子) L-F f.
- 使用Add方法可以向智能标记将识别的一组术语中添加字符串。 Use the Add method to add a string literal to the set of terms that the smart tag will recognize.
- 目的 :用己糖激酶法校正谷丙转氨酶 (AL T)活性测定系数 (K factor)。 Objective:Our purpose was to proofread alanine aminotransferase(ALT) activity factor(K factor) by hexokinase.
- 它创建一个唯一的String值作为每个新元素的键,并将该值传递给Add方法。 It creates a unique String value as the key for each new element and passes this value to the Add method.
- 凋亡诱导因子(apoptosis-inducing factor,AIF)是位于线粒体膜间隙的一种黄素蛋白。 Apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) is a mi-tochondrial intermembrane space flavoproteln.
- 完整的add元素应当在一行上。 The complete add element should be on one line.
- 二部图最大权匹配的符号ADD算法 An ADD-based Algorithm for Maximum Weight Matching in Bipartite Graphs
- 人胰岛素样生长因子2(Insulin-like growth factor 2,IGF2)和H19即为研究较早的一对相互毗邻的印记基因。 Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) and H19 are two imprinted genes located adjacent to each other at chromosome 11p15.5 in humans.
- 用.NET开发SolidWorks Add-in The development of SolidWorks Add-in in .NET
- 表皮生长因子(epidermal growth factor EGF)是最初从小鼠的下颌下腺提取的一种含有53个氨基酸残基的单链多肽。 Epidermal growth factor is a single-chain peptide with 53 amino-acid residue.
- 若要在ListBox控件中添加或删除项,请使用Add、Insert、Clear或Remove方法。 To add or delete items in a ListBox control, use the Add, Insert, Clear or Remove method.
- 传统框架主要由有效市场假说(EMH)、资本资产定价模型(CAPM)以及Fama和French的三因素模型(Three-Factor Model)构成; The traditional framework is consisted of EMH, CAPM and the three-factor model of Fama-French.
- 许多有ADD的人喜欢强刺激的状态。 Many of us with ADD crave high-stimulus situations.
- 单击菜单中的Add a Vault Segment。 Click the Add a Vault Segment from the menu.