- I'm afraid it's an acute gastritis. 恐怕是急性胃炎。
- What should eat after did acute gastritis become good? 急性胃炎好了之后应该吃些什么?
- In acute gastritis all food and water should be withheld for at least 24 hours. 急性胃炎至少应禁止采食和饮水24小时。
- He is afflicted with acute gastritis and should drink normal saline solution. 他患了急性胃炎, 应该喝一点生理盐水。
- At high power, gastric mucosa demonstrates infiltration by neutrophils. This is acute gastritis. 图示急性胃炎,高倍镜胃黏膜表现有中性粒细胞的浸润。
- This is a more typical acute gastritis with a diffusely hyperemic gastric mucosa. 典型的急性胃炎,胃黏膜广泛充血。
- Objective: To explore the incidence and causes of acute gastritis among heroin addicts doing voluntary detoxification. 摘要目的:研究海洛因依赖者脱毒期间并发急性胃炎情况。
- Objective:To study on the occurance of acute gastritis during detoxication of heroin-dependent patients. 目的:研究海洛因依赖者脱毒期间并发急性胃炎的情况。
- What discover via the examination he is gotten after is acute gastritis, bring about gastrorrhagia, belong to disease of gastric bowel path. 后经检查发现他得的是急性胃炎,导致胃出血,属于胃肠道疾病。
- Root and caulis: for influenza with fever, conjunctivitis, cough due to heat in lungs, jaundice with infection, acute gastritis, urinary tract infection, injuries from impacts. 根、茎:清热除湿,通经活络。用于感冒发热,眼结膜炎,肺热咳嗽,湿热黄疸,急性胃肠炎,尿路感染,跌打损伤。
- This is a more typical acute gastritis with a diffusely hyperemic gastric mucosa. There are many causes for acute gastritis: alcoholism, drugs, infections, etc. 典型的急性胃炎,胃黏膜广泛充血。急性胃炎的原因很多有:酒精中毒,药物,感染,等。
- The bulb that is like daffodil again very resemble a fruit, the acute gastritis symptom such as vomiting, bellyacke, diarrhoea happens namely after be being fed by accident. 又如水仙花的球茎很像水果,误食后即发生呕吐、腹痛、腹泻等急性胃炎症状。
- To acute gastritis patient, a cup of tepid milk has really alleviate temporarily semiotic action, let a person feel gastric ministry is relatively comfortable. 对于急性胃炎患者来说,一杯温热的牛奶的确有暂时缓解症状的作用,让人觉得胃部较为舒服。
- Finally, be sent a hospital to check ability to know its by the colleague after acute gastritis breaks out, because ate anodyne illness to accentuate in disorder! 最后,被同事送到医院检查才知其急性胃炎发作后,因为乱吃了止痛药病情加重了!
- Methods:The chronic bile regurgitational gastritis and acute gastritis in mice were induced by pyloric dilation and filling of bile and small intestinal liquid. 方法:采用幽门弹簧扩张法及胃部胆汁与小肠液灌注法引起小鼠的慢性胆汁反流性胃炎和急性胃炎后给予不同剂量调胃丸治疗,观察其疗效。
- Such factors as Somatization ,Compulsion,Depression,Anxiety,Phobic anxiety,Paranoid ideation scores and total scores of SCL-90 in IBS patients were significantly higher than those in control group and acute gastritis group (P<0.05). IBS组在躯体化、强迫症状、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖、偏执因子分及总分方面均高于对照组和急性胃炎组(P<0.;05);
- The comparison of plasm M2-PK and serum CA19-9 level and positive rate among normal control group,acute gastritis or chronic gastritis group and gastric benign tumor group did not show significant difference(P >0.05). 正常对照组、急慢性胃炎组及胃良性肿瘤组;血浆M2-PK、血清CA199含量及阳性率组间比较差异均无显著性(P>0.;05)。
- Reflux esophagitis, acute gastritis, superficial and atrophic gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer disease, gastroptosis, coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, such as Kechuan. 反流性食道炎、急性胃炎、浅表及萎缩性胃炎、胃十二指肠、溃疡病、胃下垂、冠心病、风心病、咳喘等。
- The patient is complaining of acute earache. 病人说耳部剧痛。
- It's acute appendicitis. We ought to operate. 这是急性阑尾炎。应当开刀。