- actions repugnant to his words 言行不一
- His actions do not live up to his words. 他的言行不符。
- His actions were in stark contrast to his words. 他的行动与他的话引成了明显的对照。
- Move by his word, the old man consent to his request. 被他的话所感动,老人同意了他的要求。
- There seems to be a bite to his words. 他话里似乎带刺。
- He will show them that he is true to his words. 他将让他们看到,他是说话算话的。
- His behaviour conforms to his words. 他言行一致。
- His words and deeds testify to his honesty. 他的言行证明他是诚实的。
- His words are contrary to his deeds. 他的言语与行为背道而驰。
- The financial Chancellor was true to his word. 财政大臣没有食言。
- Everyone should stick to his words. 每个人都应该信守诺言。
- Do you attach much importance to his words? 你认为他的话很重要吗?
- He apologized to his friend for his words. 他为自己说过的话向朋友道歉。
- The idea of accepting a bribe is repugnant to me. 我一想到受贿这种事就非常反感。
- Everyone should laearn to suit his actions to his words. 每一个人都应该学会言行一致。
- All food was repugnant to me during my illness. 我生病时吃什么都恶心。
- I listened to his words very closely. 他的话我听得十分清楚。
- The idea of accepting a bribe was repugnant to me. 我一想到受贿这种事就非常反感。
- I did not listen to his words warily. 我没有留心听他说话。
- These actions seem repugnant to common sense. 这些行为似乎有悖常识 [常理] 。