- McMillan, J. H. (1989/1994). Qualitative research in education. 王文科(译)。质的教育研究法。台北:师大书苑。
- action research in education 实践性研究能力
- Action research method which Lewin as psychologist created is a kind of social sci-ences, it has been applied on the education research in recent years. 行动研究方法是著名心理学家勒温开创的一种社会科学研究方法,近年来广泛运用于教育研究领域。
- McNiff. J. Action Research in Organisations [M]. London: Routledge, 1998 . 王蔷.;英语教师行动研究从实践到理论[M]
- Education Research in an Action Research 教育研究是一种行动的研究
- The main way to foreign teachers is to use educational action research in their teaching, in which they teach in research and vice versa. 外语教师专业发展的主要途径就是要在自己的教学实践中运用教育行动研究。
- Fraenkel, J. R. &Wallen, N. E. (2000/2003). How to design and evaluate research in education. 杨孟丽、谢水南译。教育研究法-研究设计实务。台北:心理。
- Based on an analysis of the literature and the author's own research experience, this paper proposes the use of action research in implementing reflective teaching. 摘要此文分别以文献分析及笔者个人之教学研究经验,介绍探讨行动研究于促进教师反思教学的发展与实施。
- Wolcott, H. (1988), Ethnographic research in education, In R.M.Jaeger(ed.), Complementary methods for research in education, , Washington, D. 蔡进雄(2000);国民中学校长转型领导、互易领导、学校文化与学校效能关系之研究;国立台湾师范大学教育系;博士论文;未出版.
- Oakes.J.(1986) Education Indicators:a guide for policy makers. Nev Brunswick:New Jersey Center for policy research in Education, Rutgers Universiey. 王绽蕊.;区域教育发达程度衡量指标体系的构建[J]
- JISC, which is responsible for the use of new information and communications technologies in education and research in the UK, supports Open Access through various projects. 负责将新的资讯与通讯技术应用在英国的教育和研究的英国资讯系统委员会,经由各种计画支持开放近用。
- Action Research on Maths Class in the U.S.A. 美国小学数学课堂上的行动研究。
- Big cuts in education are very undesirable. 教育经费的大幅度削减是极不受欢迎的。
- Mertler, C. A. (2006). Action research: Teachers as researchers in the classroom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 潘世尊(2005):教育行动研究:理论、实践与反省。台北:心理。
- Stenhouse (1979) advocated the notion of "teacher-researcher", and thought that action research differed from traditional research or qualitative research in teachers' participation in research. 斯登豪斯(1979)提出了“教师即研究者”的口号,认为教师参与研究是行动研究不同于传统的正规研究以及定性研究的首要特征,并由此引出合作性行动研究理论的产生。
- Rising of Action Research and Changes of Knowledge in Education 行动研究的崛起与教育知识的转向
- The teaching method marked a now epoch in education. 这种教学方法标志着教育的新时代。
- The State supports, encourages and organizes scientific research in education, disseminate the results of scientific research in education so as to enhance the quality of education. 国家支持、励和组织教育科学研究,推广教育科学研究成果,促进教育质量提高。
- Naiman, N., Frohlich, M., Stern, H. &Todesco, A. 1978.The good language learner (Research in Education Series No. 7).Toronto, Ontario: The Ontario Institute for Students in Education. 朱中都.;场独立性与场依赖性风格对外语学习的影响
- A Investigation on the University Student's Learning Motivation", Jiangxi Research in Educational Science, No. 关于大学生学习动机的调查,《江西教育科研》