- actinide halide 锕系元素卤化物
- Suitable for mercury vapor lamp, metal halide lamp. 可配装汞灯、金卤灯。
- Gallium and arsenic can be removed as halide by volatilization. 大量的砷和镓可以卤化物形式挥发除去。
- The silver halide fibers were made by means of hot extrusion. 采用热挤压法成型制备出卤化银多晶光纤。
- The formation of polyhalide depends on the combination of central halide ions. 多卤化物的形成取决于中心卤化物离子的结合。
- The frit sealing material is a crucial material in ceramic metal halide lamps. 陶瓷金属卤化物灯用封接材料是陶瓷金卤灯的关键材料。
- Key Words: Metal halide lamp, sodium lamp, floodlight, street light, ignitor. 先谢谢楼主了。我是做照明产品的,有金卤灯、钠灯、泛光灯、路灯、触发器等。
- And a series of problems brought by the change of the site of Lanthanide and Actinide site was put forward. 并提出由于镧系和锕系位置的变化所带来的一系列问题。
- Note 3: Actinide abundance ratios may be applied to measurements of stellar ages. 注3:锕充足比率可用于测量恒星的年龄.
- Note3: Actinide abundance ratios may be applied to measurements of stellar ages. 注3:锕充足比率可用于测量恒星的年龄.
- The photographic elements contain a blue-sensitive hydrophilic colloid silver halide emulsion layer. 照像材料含有亲水胶体的感蓝卤化银卤剂层。
- Sub critical breeder fuelling actinide series and driven by D-T fusion neutrons can use uranium source effectively. 以锕系元素为燃料的次临界增殖反应堆,在D-T聚变中子源驱动下,可以更有效地利用有限的铀资源;
- Abstract The progress on the nuclear charge distribution in low energy fission of actinide is reviewed briefly. 摘要 近十年来电荷分布研究取得了显著进展。
- Photographic silver halide emusions are spectrally sensitized with a tricarbocyanine dye. 照像卤化银乳剂是用三碳青染料进行光谱增玉的。
- The nature of chemical bond of halide and chalcogenide glasses was discussed in terms of the che-mical bond approach. 本文采用化学键方法对卤化物及硫卤玻璃的化学键特性进行了探讨。
- The results showed that zirconolite - rich and pyrochlore - rich synrocs were suitable waste form for solidification of actinide wastes. 研究表明;富钙钛锆石和富烧绿石型人造岩石都能很好地固化包容锕系核素废物.
- The formation of polyhalides depends on the combination of a central halide ion with a halogen. 多卤化物的形成取决于中心卤化物离子与卤素的结合。
- It is revealed that the RECP method for atom and molecule of actinide is an effective way to calculate the actnide compounds. 这表明RECP近似用于锕系元素化合物的量子力学计算是一种可行方法。
- The feasibility to use this electrode in the thermodynamics study of complexation and kinetics study of redox of actinide elements is evaluated. 还探讨了这种离于选择电极用于锕系元素络合过程热力学和氧化还原过程动力学研究的可行性。
- Abstract Actinide chemistry in geological system related to the underground disposal ofradioactive waste is briefly reviewed in this paper. 摘要 该文简要地综述了与高放废物深地层处置有关的地质体系中的锕系元素化学。