- She speaks without due consideration. 她说话冒失。
- act violently without due consideration 猖狂忘行
- It shows clearly that the AQG could not be transposed directly without due consideration of local conditions. 这例子清楚显示不应不考虑自身社会的实际情况而直接采用世衞新的空气质素指引作为本地的标准。
- Labour not unwillingly, nor without regard to the common interest, nor without due consideration, nor with distraction; nor let studied ornament set off thy thoughts, and be not either a man of many words, or busy about too many things. 心甘情愿地工作,关心公共利益,审时度势,专心致志;不要因为学习修辞而分心思考,不要作夸夸其谈者,不要同时忙于过多事物。
- The decision bother us for a long time, finally, we decide to devoice. So hope everyone don't think our action is without due considerations. 离婚的决定我们彼此都苦恼了很久,最后我们商量决定了离婚。所以希望大家不要认为我们的离婚是很轻率的。
- It is not her character to act without reflection. 她不是那种贸然行事的人。
- After due consideration we decided to leave. 在经过适当的考虑之后我们决定离开。
- The police refused to act without more evidence. 因为没有更多的证据, 警方拒绝受理。
- Let's start working at once.; Act without delay. 说干就干。
- You can't have good acting without a decent script. 没有像样的剧本是不可能有好的表演的。
- speak without due consideration 说话冒失
- I never knew him(to) act without thinking. 我从未发现他轻率行事过。
- without due consideration adj. 贸然(轻率)
- Never punt a gnome without due cause. 不要随便踢侏儒。
- After due consideration, we have decided to grant your request. 经过适当考虑,我们决定答应你方的要求。
- Some people act without regard to what will happen afterwards. 有些人做事不顾后果。
- They shelve the letters and do not give them due consideration. 他们把信件压起来, 不加处理。
- Any such provocations cannot get away without due punishment. 凡属这类挑衅都逃不脱应得的惩罚。
- How could Congress pass this Patriot Act without even reading it? 国会怎么可能连一项法案看都没看过就通过了呢?
- Full of vigor and vitality, these young people act without delay. 这些年轻人真是生龙活虎,说干就干。