- That chair(straight/right) is our of the ark. 那把椅子是十足的老古董。
- We are running our of earth's natural resources. 我们快要把地球的自然资源用尽了。
- Tom killed the bird our of design. 汤姆是故意杀死这只鸟的。
- acquaint our of vt. 知道(熟悉)
- We run regular training courses to acquaint our staff with occupational safety matters. 我们定期组织培训课程使员工熟悉职业安全规范。
- The quality of the refrigerator is our of comparison. 这台冰箱的质量是无与伦比的。
- We acquaint our customers' requirement completely, and adjust correspondently, so as to make our service reach the anticipates of customers,even exceed it. 我们能够充分认识顾客真正的需求,并进行相应调整,使我们的服务达到甚至超出顾客预期。
- Your letter of the... crossed ours of the same date. 贵方...月...日函刚好错过我方同日信函。
- She's always wangling invitations our of important people. 她总是能够靠不正当的手段获得要人的邀请。
- Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我们能逃脱简直是个奇迹。
- I don't believe her,I think she made the story up our of thin air. 我不相信她,我认为她那一套全是编出来的。
- Ben could always count on his sister to help him our of trouble. 本总是会依赖他的妹妹帮他解决困难。
- She failed to bake the cake as she had run our of sugar. 由于糖用完了,她没做成蛋糕。
- I don't believe her, I think she made the story up our of thin air. 我不相信她,我认为她那一套全是编出来的。
- Bernard Dunstan's art is created our of visual experience. 伯纳德.;邓斯坦的艺术作品给我们创造了栩栩如生的视觉享受。
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- The blare of the speaker burst upon our ears. 扩音器的噪音突然传进我们的耳中。
- The ordinary people want our of their government's involvement in the war. 平民百姓想要摆脱政府卷入的这场战争。
- The regulations do not admit of our doing that. 按照规定我们不能这样做。
- The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。