- 不易之论(ofpunishment,criticism,etc。) an unalterable tenet
- ACCEPT允许数据包通过。 ACCEPT means to let the packet through.
- accept customers materials for processing 来料加工
- “a technical term in literary criticism”(bathos)[是文学评论的术语(顿降法)];“a rather old-fashioned word”(rugger):已经过时的词汇(橄榄球)];“a rude and off "a technical term in literary criticism" (bathos) "a rather old-fashioned word" (rugger) "a rude and offensive use" (old bag).
- 当套接字试图绑定到此本地资源时,将执行权限检查以确定资源上是否存在Accept。 At the time a socket tries to bind to this local resource a permission check is performed to see if an Accept exists on that resource.
- Accept方法处理任何传入的连接请求,并返回可用于与远程主机进行数据通信的Socket。 The Accept method processes any incoming connection requests and returns a Socket that you can use to communicate data with the remote host.
- Receive方法将只读取在Connect或Accept方法中建立的远程主机连接发送过来的数据。 The Receive method will only read data that arrives from the remote host connection established in the Connect or Accept method.
- 请求处理程序分析HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGES请求标题以获取客户端支持的、按优先级排列的语言列表。 The request handler parses the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGES request header to get a prioritized list of languages supported by the client.
- 如果使用非阻止的Socket调用此方法,而且队列中没有连接请求,则Accept将会引发SocketException。 If you call this method using a non-blocking Socket, and no connection requests are queued, Accept throws a SocketException.
- Accept以同步方式从侦听套接字的连接请求队列中提取第一个挂起的连接请求,然后创建并返回新的Socket。 Accept synchronously extracts the first pending connection request from the connection request queue of the listening socket, and then creates and returns a new Socket.
- “auto”设置指定使用浏览器请求中的ACCEPT-LANGUAGE标头(它提供用户的语言首选项列表)设置区域性值。 The "auto" setting specifies that the ACCEPT-LANGUAGE header in the browser request (which provides the user's language preference list) is used to set the culture value.
- 在PHP语言中,MIME类型通过hader函数实现。$_SERVER序列变量包含了服务器端变量,允许程序员重定义Accept HTTP头信息。 In PHP, the MIME type is set through the header function. The %24_SERVER array contains the server variables, allowing us to interrogate the Accept HTTP header.
- 在ASP中,内容类型和字符集设定(charset)通过Response对象指定。ServerVariables集合允许程序员重定义Accept HTTP头信息。 In ASP, the content type and the charset are specified separately through the Response object. The ServerVariables collection allows us to interrogate the Accept HTTP header.
- 基于PC的Web服务器和客户浏览器之间的HTTP通信,是由它们各自调用了系统提供的Socket套接字,执行了Socket()、Bind()、Listen()、Accept()、Recv()、Send()、Close()等过程而完成的。 After finishing the HTTP communication, Web server and browser transfer their Socket provided by system, then execute Socket (), Bind (), ListenO, Accept (), Recv(), SendO, Close ().